Maintainer Sergey V Turchin in the c10f2 branch: Information

Maintainer name: Sergey V Turchin (zerg)
Built source packages in this branch: 668

Last changes

Apr 27, 2024, 04:19 PM

#345969 sent by Sergey V Turchin

deleted ring-project
Apr 27, 2024, 02:44 PM

#345743 sent by Sergey V Turchin

Binary-based efficient object serialization library for C
SIP and IAX2 compatible softphone
Qt6 - WebChannel component
Qt6 - QtWebEngine components
Apr 24, 2024, 04:42 PM

#345633 sent by Sergey V Turchin

Brother laser printer driver
Apr 23, 2024, 04:39 PM

#345636 sent by Sergey V Turchin

Qt GUI interface driver for Alterator
Apr 23, 2024, 02:40 PM

#345641 sent by Sergey V Turchin

alterator module for wi-fi connections administration
Apr 5, 2024, 04:25 PM

#344354 sent by Sergey V Turchin

Avidemux is a graphical AVI files editor
Apr 4, 2024, 03:44 PM

#343166 sent by Sergey V Turchin

FFmpeg version of headers required to interface with Nvidias codec APIs
FFmpeg built specifically for codec support in special browser
Mar 28, 2024, 06:18 PM

#343539 sent by Sergey V Turchin

Tool for configuring the NVIDIA driver
This is common package for usability NVIDIA drivers.
NVIDIA drivers and OpenGL libraries for XOrg X-server
NVIDIA drivers and OpenGL libraries for XOrg X-server
nVidia video card drivers
Mar 15, 2024, 06:42 PM

#342250 sent by Sergey V Turchin

Helper to load kernel module and create device files
Tool for configuring the NVIDIA driver
Command line tool for setup X11 for the NVIDIA driver
This is common package for usability NVIDIA drivers.
NVIDIA drivers and OpenGL libraries for XOrg X-server
NVIDIA drivers and OpenGL libraries for XOrg X-server
NVIDIA drivers and OpenGL libraries for XOrg X-server
nVidia video card drivers
Mar 9, 2024, 01:27 PM

#341946 sent by Sergey V Turchin

Qt6 - QtBase components
Mar 1, 2024, 11:28 PM

#338365 sent by Sergey V Turchin

Qt5 - QtBase components
Qt5 - QtDeclarative component
Qt5 - QtXmlPatterns component
Qt5 - QtTool components
Qt5 - QtWebSockets component
Qt5 - Multimedia support
Qt5 - SerialPort component
Qt5 - QtLocation component
Qt5 - QtSensors component
Qt5 - WebGL streaming plugin
Qt5 - WebChannel component
Qt5 - module with set of QtQuick controls
Qt5 - QtScript component
Qt5 - X11 support library
Qt5 - Support for rendering and displaying SVG
Qt5 - QtImageFormats component
Qt5 - module with set of QtQuick Controls 2
Qt5 - Keyframe-based timeline construction
Qt5 - Connectivity components
Qt5 - SerialBus component
Qt5 - QtTranslations module
Qt5 - QtGraphicalEffects component
Main Qt5 Reference Documentation
Qt5 - Wayland platform support and QtCompositor module
Qt5 - QtWebEngine components
Qt Web View
Qt5 - Qt3D QML bindings and C++ APIs
Qt5 - QtQuick virtual keyboard component
Qt5 - SCXML (state machine notation) compiler and related tools
Qt5 - Charts component
Qt5 - QtSpeech component
Qt5 - Data Visualization component
A Qt 5 module that adds support for getting events from gamepad devices on multiple platforms.
Qt Network Authenticators
Qt5 - Qt Remote Objects
Qt5 - QtWebKit components
Qt implementation of xdg specs
Personal finances manager for KF5
LinuxCNC controls CNC machines
Combine mechanical elements to achieve a simple goal in the most complex way
QScintilla is a port to Qt of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor class
Feb 13, 2024, 08:41 PM

#339564 sent by Sergey V Turchin

PDF rendering library
PDF rendering library
A Python binding to Poppler-Qt5
Tabbed PDF viewer using the poppler library
Document Viewer
Feb 1, 2024, 08:58 PM

#338363 sent by Sergey V Turchin

PDF rendering library
PDF rendering library
Grassroots DiCoM is a C++ library to parse DICOM medical files
PDF to DjVu converter
IDE based on a basic interpreter with object extensions
Desktop Publishing application written in Qt
Jan 30, 2024, 01:33 PM

#338442 sent by Sergey V Turchin

An easy API to write one's own VNC server
Jan 29, 2024, 05:06 PM

#338361 sent by Sergey V Turchin

C library to authenticate in a simple manner to one or more SSH servers
Jan 22, 2024, 12:18 PM

#338358 sent by Sergey V Turchin

Oct 23, 2023, 04:48 PM

#332226 sent by Sergey V Turchin

FFmpeg built specifically for codec support in special browser
Oct 8, 2023, 07:29 PM

#330810 sent by Sergey V Turchin

FFmpeg version of headers required to interface with Nvidias codec APIs
FFmpeg built specifically for codec support in special browser