Package ghc8.6.4-hxt: Specfile

%define ghc_version 8.6.4
%define hsc_name ghc
%define hsc_version %ghc_version
%define hsc_namever %hsc_name%hsc_version
%define h_pkg_name hxt
%define f_pkg_name hxt
%define pkg_libdir %_libdir/%hsc_name-%hsc_version/%h_pkg_name-%version

Name: %hsc_namever-%f_pkg_name
Release: alt1
License: MIT
Packager: Denis Smirnov <>
Group: Development/Haskell
Source: %name-%version.tar
Patch: %name-%version-%release.patch
Summary: A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell.

BuildPreReq: haskell(abi) = %ghc_version

# Automatically added by buildreq on Sun Jun 21 2020 (-bb)
# optimized out: bashrc elfutils ghc8.6.4 ghc8.6.4-aeson ghc8.6.4-aeson-pretty ghc8.6.4-ansi-terminal ghc8.6.4-ansi-wl-pprint ghc8.6.4-asn1-encoding ghc8.6.4-asn1-parse ghc8.6.4-asn1-types ghc8.6.4-async ghc8.6.4-attoparsec ghc8.6.4-base-compat ghc8.6.4-base16-bytestring ghc8.6.4-base64-bytestring ghc8.6.4-basement ghc8.6.4-bitarray ghc8.6.4-blaze-builder ghc8.6.4-case-insensitive ghc8.6.4-cereal ghc8.6.4-chronos ghc8.6.4-clock ghc8.6.4-co-log-core ghc8.6.4-colour ghc8.6.4-conduit ghc8.6.4-contravariant ghc8.6.4-cryptohash-sha256 ghc8.6.4-cryptonite ghc8.6.4-data-default-class ghc8.6.4-digest ghc8.6.4-dlist ghc8.6.4-ed25519 ghc8.6.4-exceptions ghc8.6.4-hashable ghc8.6.4-hourglass ghc8.6.4-hslua ghc8.6.4-hxt-charproperties ghc8.6.4-integer-logarithms ghc8.6.4-ldap ghc8.6.4-memory ghc8.6.4-mono-traversable ghc8.6.4-network ghc8.6.4-network-uri ghc8.6.4-old-locale ghc8.6.4-old-time ghc8.6.4-parsec ghc8.6.4-pem ghc8.6.4-polyparse ghc8.6.4-primitive ghc8.6.4-random ghc8.6.4-regex-base ghc8.6.4-resourcet ghc8.6.4-safe ghc8.6.4-scientific ghc8.6.4-semigroups ghc8.6.4-split ghc8.6.4-splitmix ghc8.6.4-statevar ghc8.6.4-tagged ghc8.6.4-tar ghc8.6.4-temporary ghc8.6.4-th-abstraction ghc8.6.4-time-locale-compat ghc8.6.4-torsor ghc8.6.4-transformers-compat ghc8.6.4-typerep-map ghc8.6.4-unix-compat ghc8.6.4-unliftio-core ghc8.6.4-unordered-containers ghc8.6.4-uuid-types ghc8.6.4-vector ghc8.6.4-vector-algorithms ghc8.6.4-zlib glibc-kernheaders-generic glibc-kernheaders-x86 libffi-devel libgmp-devel perl pkg-config python-modules python2-base python3 python3-base python3-dev rpm-build-haskell rpm-build-python3 sh4
BuildRequires: ghc8.6.4-adldap ghc8.6.4-base-noprelude ghc8.6.4-blaze-markup ghc8.6.4-bytestring-encoding ghc8.6.4-cmark-gfm ghc8.6.4-co-log ghc8.6.4-common ghc8.6.4-cookie ghc8.6.4-cpphs ghc8.6.4-data-default-instances-containers ghc8.6.4-data-default-instances-dlist ghc8.6.4-data-default-instances-old-locale ghc8.6.4-doc ghc8.6.4-doclayout ghc8.6.4-echo ghc8.6.4-edit-distance ghc8.6.4-entropy ghc8.6.4-errors ghc8.6.4-filemanip ghc8.6.4-generic-deriving ghc8.6.4-glob ghc8.6.4-hackage-security ghc8.6.4-haddock-library ghc8.6.4-hfuse ghc8.6.4-hscolour ghc8.6.4-hslogger ghc8.6.4-hslua-module-system ghc8.6.4-hslua-module-text ghc8.6.4-hsyaml ghc8.6.4-http ghc8.6.4-http-types ghc8.6.4-hxt-regex-xmlschema ghc8.6.4-hxt-unicode ghc8.6.4-ipynb ghc8.6.4-juicypixels ghc8.6.4-markdown-unlit ghc8.6.4-mime-types ghc8.6.4-optparse-applicative ghc8.6.4-quickcheck ghc8.6.4-regex-tdfa ghc8.6.4-relude ghc8.6.4-resolv ghc8.6.4-sandi ghc8.6.4-sha ghc8.6.4-socks ghc8.6.4-streaming-commons ghc8.6.4-syb ghc8.6.4-tagsoup ghc8.6.4-unicode-transforms ghc8.6.4-utf8-string ghc8.6.4-x509 ghc8.6.4-xml ghc8.6.4-zip-archive libdb4-devel python-modules-compiler python3-module-mpl_toolkits python3-module-yieldfrom

The Haskell XML Toolbox bases on the ideas of HaXml and HXML, but
introduces a more general approach for processing XML with Haskell. The
Haskell XML Toolbox uses a generic data model for representing XML
documents, including the DTD subset and the document subset, in Haskell. It
contains a validating XML parser, a HTML parser, namespace support, an
XPath expression evaluator, an XSLT library, a RelaxNG schema validator and
funtions for serialization and deserialization of user defined data. The
library makes extensive use of the arrow approach for processing XML. Since
version 9 the toolbox is partitioned into various (sub-)packages. This
package contains the core functionality, hxt-curl, hxt-tagsoup,
hxt-relaxng, hxt-xpath, hxt-xslt, hxt-regex-xmlschema contain the
extensions. hxt-unicode contains encoding and decoding functions,
hxt-charproperties char properties for unicode and XML.

Changes from Bug in quoting PI instructions in showXmlTrees fixed

Changes from For ghc-7.10 network-uri is automatically selected

Changes from ghc-7.10 compatibility

Changes from Bug when unpickling an empty attribute value removed

Changes from Bug fix in haddock comments

Changes from Bug in DTD validation, space and time leak in delta

Changes from lower bound of mtl dependency lowered to 2.0.1

Changes from Bug in hread removed

Changes from Foldable and Traversable instances for NTree added
Control.Except used instead of deprecated Control.Error

Changes from canonicalize added in hread and hreadDoc

Changes from conditionally (no default) dependency from networt
changed to network-uri with flag "network-uri"

Changes from warnings from ghc-7.8.1 removed

Changes from https as protocol added

Changes from new parser xreadDoc

Changes from in readString all input decoding switched off

Changes from lower bound for network set to be >= 2.4

Changes from 9.3.0: upper bound for network set to be < 2.4 (URI signatures
changed in 2.4)

Changes from 9.2.2: XMLSchema validation integrated

Changes from 9.2.1: user defined mime type handlers added

Changes from 9.2.0: New warnings from ghc-7.4 removed

%patch -p1



%files -f %name-files.all

* Sun Jun 21 2020 Denis Smirnov <>
- Spec created by cabal2rpm 0.20_10