Package erlang-fast_xml: Information

    Source package: erlang-fast_xml
    Version: 1.1.29-alt1.M80P.1
    Build time:  May 29, 2018, 02:56 PM in the task #206355
    Report package bug
    License: ASL 2.0
    Summary: Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing library
    Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing and manipulation library,
    with a strong focus on XML stream parsing from network.
    It supports:
        Full XML structure parsing: Suitable for small but complete XML chunks.
        XML stream parsing: Suitable for large XML document,
        or infinite network XML stream like XMPP.
    This module can parse files much faster than built-in module xmerl.
    Depending on file complexity and size fxml_stream:parse_element/1
    can be 8-18 times faster than calling xmerl_scan:string/2.
    This application was previously called p1_xml and was renamed
    after major optimisations to put emphasis on the fact it is damn fast.

    List of rpms provided by this srpm:
    erlang-fast_xml (x86_64, i586)
    erlang-fast_xml-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)

    Maintainer: Aleksei Nikiforov

    List of contributors:
    Aleksei Nikiforov

      1. libexpat-devel
      2. rebar
      3. rpm-build-erlang
      4. rpm-build-ubt
      5. erlang-devel
      6. erlang-otp-devel
      7. erlang-p1_utils

    Last changed

    April 16, 2018 Aleksei Nikiforov 1.1.29-alt1.M80P.1
    - Initial build for ALT.