Package php7-pdo_sqlite: Specfile

%define		php7_extension	pdo_sqlite

Name:	 	php7-%php7_extension
Version:	%php7_version
Release:	%php7_release

Summary:	SQLLite v3 driver for PHP Data Objects Interface

Group:		System/Servers
License:	PHP Licence

#Source0:	standart PHP module
Source1:	php-%php7_extension.ini

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-php7
BuildRequires: libsqlite3-devel
BuildRequires: php7-devel = %php7_version

PreReq: php7-pdo = %php7_version-%release
Provides: php7-pdo-driver

PHP PDO extension provides a uniform data access interface, supporting
advanced features such as prepared statements and bound parameters. 
This package provides an SQLite v3 driver for PDO.
SQLite V3  is NOT compatible with the bundled  SQLite 2 in PHP 5,  but is a 
significant step forwards, featuring complete utf-8 support, native support 
for blobs, native support for prepared statements with bound parameters and 
improved concurrency.

%setup -T -c
cp -pr -- %php7_extsrcdir/%php7_extension/* .

# Fix path to pdo*.h
subst 's@php/ext@php/%_php7_version/ext@g' config.m4


BUILD_HAVE=`echo %php7_extension | tr '[:lower:]-' '[:upper:]_'`
%add_optflags -fPIC -L%_libdir -lsqlite3
export LDFLAGS=-lphp-%_php7_version

# Fix for config.m4 in %%prep would't work for some reason
subst 's@php/ext@php/%_php7_version/ext@g' configure

%configure \
	--with-%php7_extension \
	--with-libdir=%_lib \


install -D -m 644 -- %SOURCE1 %buildroot/%php7_extconf/%php7_extension/config
install -D -m 644 -- %SOURCE2 %buildroot/%php7_extconf/%php7_extension/params




* %(date "+%%a %%b %%d %%Y") %{?package_signer:%package_signer}%{!?package_signer:%packager} %version-%release
- Rebuild with php7-%version-%release