Package python-module-zope.schema: Specfile

%define oname zope.schema
%def_without check

Name: python-module-%oname
Version: 4.9.3
Release: alt1

Summary: zope.interface extension for defining data schemas
License: ZPLv2.1
Group: Development/Python

Source: %name-%version.tar

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-python3
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-sphinx

BuildRequires: python-module-setuptools
BuildRequires: python-module-alabaster
BuildRequires: python-module-coverage
BuildRequires: python-module-docutils
BuildRequires: python-module-html5lib
BuildRequires: python-module-nosexcover
BuildRequires: python-module-objects.inv
BuildRequires: python-module-repoze.sphinx.autointerface
BuildRequires: python-module-zope.event
BuildRequires: python-module-zope.testing
BuildRequires: python-module-zope.i18nmessageid
BuildRequires: time

BuildPreReq: python3-module-setuptools
BuildPreReq: python3-module-coverage
BuildPreReq: python3-module-nosexcover
BuildPreReq: python3-module-zope.event
BuildPreReq: python3-module-zope.testing
BuildPreReq: python3-module-zope.i18nmessageid

%py_requires zope.interface zope.event

This package is intended to be independently reusable in any Python
project. It is maintained by the Zope Toolkit project.

Schemas extend the notion of interfaces to detailed descriptions of
Attributes (but not methods). Every schema is an interface and specifies
the public fields of an object. A field roughly corresponds to an
attribute of a python object. But a Field provides space for at least a
title and a description. It can also constrain its value and provide a
validation method. Besides you can optionally specify characteristics
such as its value being read-only or not required.

%package -n python3-module-%oname
Summary: zope.interface extension for defining data schemas (Python 3)
Group: Development/Python3
%py3_requires zope.interface zope.event

%description -n python3-module-%oname
This package is intended to be independently reusable in any Python
project. It is maintained by the Zope Toolkit project.

Schemas extend the notion of interfaces to detailed descriptions of
Attributes (but not methods). Every schema is an interface and specifies
the public fields of an object. A field roughly corresponds to an
attribute of a python object. But a Field provides space for at least a
title and a description. It can also constrain its value and provide a
validation method. Besides you can optionally specify characteristics
such as its value being read-only or not required.

%package -n python3-module-%oname-tests
Summary: Tests for zope.schema (Python 3)
Group: Development/Python3
Requires: python3-module-%oname = %version-%release
%py3_requires zope.testing

%description -n python3-module-%oname-tests
This package is intended to be independently reusable in any Python
project. It is maintained by the Zope Toolkit project.

Schemas extend the notion of interfaces to detailed descriptions of
Attributes (but not methods). Every schema is an interface and specifies
the public fields of an object. A field roughly corresponds to an
attribute of a python object. But a Field provides space for at least a
title and a description. It can also constrain its value and provide a
validation method. Besides you can optionally specify characteristics
such as its value being read-only or not required.

This package contains tests for zope.schema

%package pickles
Summary: Pickles for zope.schema
Group: Development/Python

%description pickles
This package is intended to be independently reusable in any Python
project. It is maintained by the Zope Toolkit project.

Schemas extend the notion of interfaces to detailed descriptions of
Attributes (but not methods). Every schema is an interface and specifies
the public fields of an object. A field roughly corresponds to an
attribute of a python object. But a Field provides space for at least a
title and a description. It can also constrain its value and provide a
validation method. Besides you can optionally specify characteristics
such as its value being read-only or not required.

This package contains pickles for zope.schema

%package tests
Summary: Tests for zope.schema
Group: Development/Python
Requires: %name = %version-%release
%py_requires zope.testing

%description tests
This package is intended to be independently reusable in any Python
project. It is maintained by the Zope Toolkit project.

Schemas extend the notion of interfaces to detailed descriptions of
Attributes (but not methods). Every schema is an interface and specifies
the public fields of an object. A field roughly corresponds to an
attribute of a python object. But a Field provides space for at least a
title and a description. It can also constrain its value and provide a
validation method. Besides you can optionally specify characteristics
such as its value being read-only or not required.

This package contains tests for zope.schema


rm -rf ../python3
cp -a . ../python3

%prepare_sphinx .
ln -s ../objects.inv docs/


pushd ../python3

%if "%python_sitelibdir_noarch" != "%python_sitelibdir"
install -d %buildroot%python_sitelibdir
mv %buildroot%python_sitelibdir_noarch/* \

pushd ../python3
%if "%python3_sitelibdir_noarch" != "%python3_sitelibdir"
install -d %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir
mv %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir_noarch/* \

%make -C docs pickle
%make -C docs html
install -d %buildroot%python_sitelibdir/%oname
cp -fR docs/_build/pickle %buildroot%python_sitelibdir/%oname/

%if_with check
python test -v
nosetests -vv --with-xunit --with-xcoverage

pushd ../python3
python3 test -v
#nosetests3 -vv --with-xunit --with-xcoverage

%doc *.txt *.rst docs/_build/html
%exclude %python_sitelibdir/*.pth
%exclude %python_sitelibdir/*/*/tests
%exclude %python_sitelibdir/*/pickle

%files pickles

%files tests

%files -n python3-module-%oname
%doc *.txt *.rst docs/_build/html
%exclude %python3_sitelibdir/*.pth
%exclude %python3_sitelibdir/*/*/tests

%files -n python3-module-%oname-tests

* Wed Feb 27 2019 Andrey Bychkov <> 4.9.3-alt1
- Version updated to 4.4.3

* Fri Feb 02 2018 Stanislav Levin <> 4.4.3-alt1.dev0.git20150128.
- (NMU) Fix Requires and BuildRequires to python-setuptools

* Tue Jun 07 2016 Ivan Zakharyaschev <> 4.4.3-alt1.dev0.git20150128.1.1.1
- (AUTO) subst_x86_64.

* Mon Mar 14 2016 Ivan Zakharyaschev <> 4.4.3-alt1.dev0.git20150128.1.1
- (NMU) rebuild with rpm-build-python3-0.1.9
  (for common python3/site-packages/ and auto python3.3-ABI dep when needed)

* Fri Jan 29 2016 Mikhail Efremov <> 4.4.3-alt1.dev0.git20150128.1
- NMU: Use buildreq for BR.

* Sun Aug 30 2015 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 4.4.3-alt1.dev0.git20150128
- Version 4.4.3.dev0
- Added documentation
- Enabled check

* Sun Jul 27 2014 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 4.4.1-alt1
- Version 4.4.1

* Wed Apr 10 2013 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 4.3.2-alt1
- Version 4.3.2

* Fri Mar 22 2013 Aleksey Avdeev <> 4.1.1-alt1.1
- Rebuild with Python-3.3

* Mon Apr 16 2012 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 4.1.1-alt1
- Version 4.1.1
- Added module for Python 3

* Wed Dec 28 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 4.0.1-alt1
- Version 4.0.1

* Mon Oct 24 2011 Vitaly Kuznetsov <> 3.8.0-alt4.1
- Rebuild with Python-2.7

* Wed Jun 29 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 3.8.0-alt4
- Added necessary requirements for tests

* Sun Jun 19 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 3.8.0-alt3
- Added necessary requirements
- Excluded *.pth

* Thu May 19 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 3.8.0-alt2
- Set as archdep package

* Mon May 16 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 3.8.0-alt1
- Initial build for Sisyphus