Пакет mkimage-profiles: Информация

    Исходный пакет: mkimage-profiles
    Версия: 1.4.13-alt1
    Собран:  25 августа 2021 г. 18:26 в задании #283273
    Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
    Домашняя страница: http://altlinux.org/m-p

    Лицензия: GPLv2+
    О пакете: ALT based distribution metaprofile
    mkimage-profiles is a collection of bits and pieces useful for
    distributions construction: it contains package lists, features,
    and whole subprofiles (like "rescue" building block) for you
    to choose from, and some ready-made image recipes as well.
    Make no mistake: constructing distributions isn't just fun, it takes
    a lot of passion and knowledge to produce a non-trivial one.  So m-p
    (the short alias for mkimage-profiles) is complex too.  If you need
    -- or want -- to make a few tweaks to an existing recipe, it might
    be easier to comprehend the generated profile (aka builddir) which
    contains only the needed subprofiles, script hooks and package lists
    and is way more compact.
    The main deliverable form for x86 is a (hybrid) ISO; virtual environment
    template caches (OpenVZ/LXC) can be made either as well as VM disk images.
    In short, setup hasher (http://en.altlinux.org/hasher) and here we go:
      cd /usr/share/mkimage-profiles
      head README
      make syslinux.iso
    But if you're into regular distro hacking and are not afraid of make
    and modest metaprogramming (some code generation and introspection),
    welcome to the metaprofile itself; read the docs and get the git:
    http://altlinux.org/m-p (NB: these are mostly in Russian with translation on demand).

    Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемых данным srpm-пакетом:
    mkimage-profiles (noarch)
    mkimage-profiles-doc (noarch)

    Сопровождающий: Anton Midyukov

    Список участников:
    Anton Midyukov
    Michael Shigorin

      1. java
      2. fonts-ttf-dejavu
      3. fop
      4. rsync
      5. /proc
      6. asciidoc-a2x

    Последнее изменение

    7 июня 2021 г. Anton Midyukov 1.4.13-alt1
    - add parametr's BRANCH, NO_SYMLINK
    - fix usage AUTOCLEAN parameter with DEBUG
    - use variable REPORT from ~/.mkimage/profiles.mk
    - move logs to reports directory, if enable REPORT
    - fix build pdf documentation after clean
    - update documetation
    - build starterkits from regular.mk profile
    - cnc-rt: uses lxqt DE instead of lxde
    - cnc-rt: Not add efi=runtime to EFI_BOOTARGS
    - kernel: add missing virtio kernel modules to VM_INITRDMODULES
    - server-v: 9.2 beta
    - workstation: 9.2 beta
    - education: added last commits
    21 мая 2021 г. Anton Midyukov 1.4.12-alt1
    - fix VM_SAVE_TARBALL parameter support
    - grub: save ang read default menu item (thanks jqt4@, sin@)
    17 мая 2021 г. Anton Midyukov 1.4.11-alt1
    - build-vm: Add ability to build .img.xz (thanks sem@)
    - reports.mk: optimiztion for generate rpm and srpms lists (thanks mike@)
    - reports.mk: generate targets.svgz instead targets.png
    - add VM_SAVE_TARBALL parameter
    - add MKIMAGE_PREFIX parameter
    - kernel: optimization use/kernel/initrd-setup
    - set STAGE1_INITRD_BOOTARGS in initrd-propagator
    - slinux 9.1
    - education 9.2