Пакет perl-Device-Gsm: Информация

    Исходный пакет: perl-Device-Gsm
    Версия: 1.61-alt1
    Собран:  3 июля 2016 г. 15:09 в задании #166608
    Категория: Разработка/Perl
    Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
    Домашняя страница: http://www.cpan.org

    Лицензия: Artistic
    О пакете: Perl extension to interface GSM phones / modems
    `Device::Gsm' class implements basic GSM functions, network registration and SMS sending.
    This class supports also `PDU' mode to send `SMS' messages, and should be
    fairly usable. In the past, I have developed and tested it under Linux RedHat 7.1
    with a 16550 serial port and Siemens C35i/C45 GSM phones attached with
    a Siemens-compatible serial cable. Currently, I'm developing and testing this stuff
    with Linux Slackware 10.2 and a Cambridge Silicon Radio (CSR) USB
    bluetooth dongle, connecting to a Nokia 6600 phone.
    Please be kind to the universe and contact me if you have troubles or you are
    interested in this.
    Please be monstruosly kind to the universe and (if you don't mind spending an SMS)
    use the `examples/send_to_cosimo.pl' script to make me know that Device::Gsm works
    with your device (thanks!).
    Recent versions of `Device::Gsm' have also an utility called `autoscan' in
    the `bin/' folder, that creates a little profile of the devices it runs
    against, that contains information about supported commands and exact output
    of commands to help recognize similar devices.
    Be sure to send me your profile by email (if you want to),
    so I can add better support for your device in the future!

    Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемых данным srpm-пакетом:
    perl-Device-Gsm (noarch)

    Сопровождающий: Denis Smirnov

    Список участников:
    Igor Vlasenko
    Denis Smirnov

      1. perl-Device-Modem
      2. perl-Encode
      3. perl-devel

    Последнее изменение

    3 июля 2016 г. Igor Vlasenko 1.61-alt1
    - automated CPAN update
    27 сентября 2012 г. Igor Vlasenko 1.60-alt1
    - automated CPAN update
    25 мая 2011 г. Denis Smirnov 1.58-alt1
    - initial build for ALT Linux Sisyphus