Пакет audacity: Информация

  • Default inline alert: Версия в репозитории: 3.5.1-alt1

Исходный пакет: audacity
Версия: 2.3.3-alt1
Последняя версия по данным Repology
Собран:  24 ноября 2019 г. 17:42 в задании #241560
Категория: Звук
Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
Домашняя страница: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

Лицензия: GPL
О пакете: Cross-platform audio editor
Audacity is a program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms.
It imports many sound file formats, including WAV, AIFF, AU, IRCAM,
MP3, and Ogg Vorbis. It supports all common editing operations such
as Cut, Copy, and Paste, plus it will mix tracks and let you apply
plug-in effects to any part of a sound.

Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемых данным srpm-пакетом:
audacity (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, aarch64)
audacity-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, aarch64)
audacity-manual (noarch)

Сопровождающий: Mikhail Novosyolov

    1. libjpeg-devel
    2. gcc-c++
    3. libwxGTK3.1-devel >= 3.1.1-alt2
    4. libsbsms-devel
    5. liblame-devel
    6. libfftw3-devel
    7. libflac++-devel >= 1.3.1
    8. libflac-devel >= 1.3.1
    9. ImageMagick
    10. shared-mime-info
    11. pkgconfig(alsa)
    12. libstdc++-devel-static
    13. pkgconfig(expat)
    14. pkgconfig(fftw3)
    15. pkgconfig(flac++)
    16. pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)
    17. pkgconfig(id3tag)
    18. pkgconfig(jack)
    19. pkgconfig(libavformat)
    20. pkgconfig(lilv-0)
    21. pkgconfig(lv2)
    22. pkgconfig(mad)
    23. pkgconfig(ogg)
    24. pkgconfig(samplerate)
    25. pkgconfig(sndfile)
    26. pkgconfig(soundtouch)
    27. pkgconfig(soxr)
    28. pkgconfig(speex)
    29. pkgconfig(suil-0)
    30. pkgconfig(twolame)
    31. pkgconfig(udev)
    32. pkgconfig(vamp-hostsdk)
    33. pkgconfig(vorbis)
    34. pkgconfig(vorbisenc)
    35. pkgconfig(vorbisfile)
    36. pkgconfig(zlib)
    37. rpm-build >= 4.0.4-alt133
    38. desktop-file-utils
    39. libopencore-amrnb0
    40. libopencore-amrwb0
    41. gettext-devel
    42. ladspa_sdk
    43. libportaudio2-devel
    44. zip

Последнее изменение

24 ноября 2019 г. Mikhail Novosyolov 2.3.3-alt1
- Version 2.3.3
- Keeping and rediffed NetBSD-ALT-Session-directory-in-home.patch:
  * Use $AUDACITY_TMPDIR env to specify a custom temp directory,
    it then will be $AUDACITY_TMPDIR/audacity-$UID.
  * Default temp directory is ~/.audacity-tmp instead of upstream /var/tmp/audacity-$UID.
  * Reading $TMPDIR was previously changed to $AUDACITY_TMPDIR
    because e.g. pam_mktemp is used by default on ALT and breaks the environment
    that Audacity developers expected.
- Dropped patches merged to upstream:
  * 0001-Fix-building-with-wxWidgets-3.1.2.patch
  * 0002-Fix-Ru-translation-of-signed-and-float.patch
- Dropped NetBSD-ffmpeg3.patch (does not make sense)
- Dropped -fno-strict-aliasing
- Chanages in lib-src/sbsms were ported to libsbsms10
4 октября 2019 г. Mikhail Novosyolov 2.3.2-alt3
- Fix Russian translation of 'signed' and 'float' (Closes: 37238)
  PRed to upstream: https://github.com/audacity/audacity/pull/381
19 августа 2019 г. Anton Midyukov 2.3.2-alt2
- fix build with wxGTK 3.1.2 (Thanks Mikhail Novosyolov)