Пакет openqa: Информация

Исходный пакет: openqa
Версия: 4.5.1528009330.e68ebe2b-alt14
Последняя версия по данным Repology
Собран:  20 июля 2020 г. 14:53 в задании #254965
Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
Домашняя страница: https://github.com/os-autoinst/openQA

Лицензия: GPLv2+
О пакете: OS-level automated testing framework
openQA is a testing framework that allows you to test GUI applications on one
hand and bootloader and kernel on the other. In both cases, it is difficult to
script tests and verify the output. Output can be a popup window or it can be
an error in early boot even before init is executed.

openQA is an automated test tool that makes it possible to test the whole
installation process of an operating system. It uses virtual machines to
reproduce the process, check the output (both serial console and screen) in
every step and send the necessary keystrokes and commands to proceed to the
next. openQA can check whether the system can be installed, whether it works
properly in 'live' mode, whether applications work or whether the system
responds as expected to different installation options and commands.

Even more importantly, openQA can run several combinations of tests for every
revision of the operating system, reporting the errors detected for each
combination of hardware configuration, installation options and variant of the
operating system.

Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемых данным srpm-пакетом:
openqa (noarch)
openqa-client (noarch)
openqa-common (noarch)
openqa-doc (noarch)
openqa-httpd (noarch)
openqa-local-db (noarch)
openqa-python-scripts (noarch)
openqa-single-instance (noarch)
openqa-worker (noarch)

Сопровождающий: Alexandr Antonov

Список участников:
Alexandr Antonov

    1. os-autoinst
    2. osc
    3. perl(Archive/Extract.pm)
    4. perl(BSD/Resource.pm)
    5. perl(CPAN/Meta/YAML.pm)
    6. perl(CSS/Minifier/XS.pm)
    7. perl(CommonMark.pm)
    8. perl(Config/IniFiles.pm)
    9. perl(Config/Tiny.pm)
    10. perl(Cpanel/JSON/XS.pm)
    11. perl(DBD/Pg.pm)
    12. perl(DBD/SQLite.pm)
    13. perl(DBIx/Class.pm)
    14. perl(DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler.pm)
    15. perl(DBIx/Class/DynamicDefault.pm)
    16. perl(DBIx/Class/OptimisticLocking.pm)
    17. perl(DBIx/Class/Schema/Config.pm)
    18. perl(DBIx/Class/Storage/Statistics.pm)
    19. perl(Data/Dump.pm)
    20. perl(Date/Format.pm)
    21. perl(DateTime/Format/Pg.pm)
    22. jq
    23. perl(File/Copy/Recursive.pm)
    24. python3-devel
    25. perl(IO/Socket/SSL.pm)
    26. python3-module-future
    27. perl(IPC/Cmd.pm)
    28. perl(IPC/Run.pm)
    29. perl(JSON/Validator.pm)
    30. perl(JavaScript/Minifier/XS.pm)
    31. perl(Minion.pm)
    32. perl(Minion/Backend/SQLite.pm)
    33. perl(Module/Load/Conditional.pm)
    34. perl(Mojo/IOLoop/ReadWriteProcess.pm)
    35. perl(Mojo/RabbitMQ/Client.pm)
    36. perl(Mojo/SQLite.pm)
    37. perl(Mojolicious.pm)
    38. perl(Mojolicious/Plugin/AssetPack.pm)
    39. perl(Mojolicious/Plugin/OAuth2.pm)
    40. perl(Mojolicious/Plugin/RenderFile.pm)
    41. python3-module-requests
    42. perl(Net/DBus.pm)
    43. python3-module-setuptools
    44. perl(Net/OpenID/Consumer.pm)
    45. perl(Perl/Critic.pm)
    46. ruby-rb-inotify
    47. ruby-sass
    48. ruby-sass-listen
    49. perl(SQL/SplitStatement.pm)
    50. perl(SQL/Translator.pm)
    51. perl(Sort/Versions.pm)
    52. perl(Test/Compile.pm)
    53. perl(Test/Exception.pm)
    54. perl(Test/Fatal.pm)
    55. perl(Test/MockModule.pm)
    56. perl(Test/MockObject.pm)
    57. perl(Test/Mojo.pm)
    58. perl(Test/More.pm)
    59. perl(Test/Most.pm)
    60. perl(Test/Output.pm)
    61. perl(Test/Pod.pm)
    62. perl(Test/Strict.pm)
    63. perl(Test/Warnings.pm)
    64. perl(Text/Diff.pm)
    65. perl(Text/Markdown.pm)
    66. perl(Time/ParseDate.pm)
    67. perl(Time/Piece.pm)
    68. perl(Time/Seconds.pm)
    69. perl(YAML/PP.pm)
    70. perl(YAML/XS.pm)
    71. perl(aliased.pm)
    72. shellcheck
    73. spectool
    74. perl-Package-Generator
    75. systemd
    76. rpm-build-python3
    77. postgresql10-server
    78. yamllint
    79. curl

Последнее изменение

15 июля 2020 г. Alexandr Antonov 4.5.1528009330.e68ebe2b-alt14
- update to current version
10 июня 2020 г. Alexandr Antonov 4.5.1528009330.e68ebe2b-alt13
- update to current version
24 апреля 2020 г. Alexandr Antonov 4.5.1528009330.e68ebe2b-alt12
- update to current version