Пакет perl-Test-Warnings: Информация

    Исходный пакет: perl-Test-Warnings
    Версия: 0.033-alt1
    Собран:  30 января 2024 г. 14:01
    Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
    Домашняя страница: https://metacpan.org/release/Test-Warnings

    Лицензия: GPL+ or Artistic
    О пакете: Test for warnings and the lack of them
    If you've ever tried to use Test::NoWarnings to confirm there are no warnings
    generated by your tests, combined with the convenience of done_testing to not
    have to declare a test count, you'll have discovered that these two features do
    not play well together, as the test count will be calculated before the
    warnings test is run, resulting in a TAP error (see examples/test_nowarnings.pl
    in this distribution for a demonstration).
    This module is intended to be used as a drop-in replacement for
    Test::NoWarnings: it also adds an extra test, but runs this test before
    done_testing calculates the test count, rather than after. It does this by
    hooking into done_testing as well as via an END block. You can declare a plan,
    or not, and things will still Just Work.
    It is actually equivalent to:
        use Test::NoWarnings 1.04 ':early';
    as warnings are still printed normally as they occur. You are safe, and
    enthusiastically encouraged, to perform a global search-replace of the above
    with use Test::Warnings; whether or not your tests have a plan.

    Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемых данным srpm-пакетом:
    perl-Test-Warnings (noarch)

    Сопровождающий: Igor Vlasenko

    Список участников:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. findutils
      2. coreutils
      3. perl(CPAN/Meta.pm)
      4. perl(CPAN/Meta/Check.pm)
      5. perl(CPAN/Meta/Prereqs.pm)
      6. perl(CPAN/Meta/Requirements.pm)
      7. perl(Carp.pm)
      8. perl(Exporter.pm)
      9. perl(ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm)
      10. perl(File/Spec.pm)
      11. perl(PadWalker.pm)
      12. perl(Test/Builder.pm)
      13. perl(Test/More.pm)
      14. perl(Test/Tester.pm)
      15. perl(if.pm)
      16. perl(lib.pm)
      17. perl(parent.pm)
      18. perl(strict.pm)
      19. perl(warnings.pm)
      20. perl-devel
      21. perl-podlators
      22. rpm-build-perl
      23. rpm-build-perl

    Последнее изменение

    26 января 2024 г. Igor Vlasenko 0.033-alt1
    - automated CPAN update
    1 октября 2023 г. Igor Vlasenko 0.032-alt1
    - automated CPAN update
    15 июля 2021 г. Igor Vlasenko 0.031-alt1
    - automated CPAN update