Package tetex-latex-beamer: Specfile

%define srcName latex-beamer

Name:    tetex-%srcName
Version: 3.06
Release: alt2
Summary: A LaTeX class that allows create pdf-presentations
Summary(ru_RU.KOI8-R): LaTeX \xcb\xcc\xc1\xd3\xd3 \xc4\xcc\xd1 \xd0\xcf\xc4\xc7\xcf\xd4\xcf\xd7\xcb\xc9 \xd0\xd2\xc5\xda\xc5\xce\xd4\xc1\xc3\xc9\xca \xd7 pdf-\xc6\xcf\xd2\xcd\xc1\xd4\xc5
License: GPL
Group:   Publishing

BuildArchitectures: noarch

Requires: tetex-core tetex-latex tetex-latex-xcolor tetex-latex-pgf

Source0: %srcName-%version.tar.gz

%package -n emacs-%srcName-el
Summary: emacs support for beamer LaTeX class
Group: Editors
Requires: %name = %version-%release

%package -n lyx-%srcName
Summary: LYX layout for beamer LaTeX class
Group: Editors
Requires: %name = %version-%release

The beamer class is a LaTeX class that allows you to create 
a beamer presentation. It can also be used to create slides. 
It behaves similarly to other packages like Prosper, 
but has the advantage that it works together directly with pdflatex, 
but also with dvis.
#%description -l ru_RU.KOI8-R

%description -n emacs-%srcName-el
emacs support for beamer LaTeX class

%description -n lyx-%srcName
LYX layout for beamer LaTeX class

%setup -q -n %srcName-%version

%__mv emulation/examples doc/emulation

#%__mkdir_p %buildroot{%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/{base,emulation,extensions/multimedia,themes/{color,font,inner,outer,theme/compatibility}},%_docdir/{emulation/examples,examples,solutions},%_emacslispdir,%_datadir/lyx/layouts}
%__mkdir_p %buildroot{%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/{base,emulation,extensions/multimedia,themes/{color,font,inner,outer,theme/compatibility}},%_emacslispdir,%_datadir/lyx/layouts}
install -pD -m644 base/*.sty %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/
install -pD -m644 base/*.cls %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/
#install -pD -m644 base/art/* %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/art/
install -pD -m644 emulation/*.sty %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/emulation/
install -pD -m644 extensions/multimedia/* %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/extensions/multimedia/
install -pD -m644 themes/color/*.sty %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/themes/color/
install -pD -m644 themes/font/*.sty %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/themes/font/
install -pD -m644 themes/inner/*.sty %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/themes/inner/
install -pD -m644 themes/outer/*.sty %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/themes/outer/
install -pD -m644 themes/theme/*.sty %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/themes/theme/
install -pD -m644 themes/theme/compatibility/*.sty %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/themes/theme/compatibility/
install -pD -m644 emacs/beamer.el %buildroot%_emacslispdir/
install -pD -m644 lyx/layouts/beamer.layout %buildroot%_datadir/lyx/layouts/

[ -x /usr/bin/texhash ] && /usr/bin/texhash 2>/dev/null ||:

[ -x /usr/bin/texhash ] && /usr/bin/texhash 2>/dev/null ||:

%doc AUTHORS ChangeLog FILES INSTALL README TODO examples solutions doc
%doc base/art 
#%doc emulation/examples base/art 

%files -n emacs-%srcName-el

%files -n lyx-%srcName
%doc lyx/examples/*

* Mon Nov 07 2005 Constantin (Const) Mikhaylenko <> 3.06-alt2
- fix dependencies

* Sat Oct 29 2005 Constantin (Const) Mikhaylenko <> 3.06-alt1
- cumulative changes

* Thu Nov 11 2004 Constantin (Const) Mikhaylenko <> 3.01-alt1
- Added:
  * Option "fragile" that allows the use of overlays together with verbatims. 
    *Extremely* useful.
  * Added option "T" to columns command/environment for alignment of
    top of first lines instead of baselines of first lines.
  * Added a color theme (dolphin) and a presentation theme
    (Boadilla) due to Manuel Carro.

* Wed Oct 27 2004 Constantin (Const) Mikhaylenko <> 3.00-alt1
- initial release for Sisyphus