Package l7-protocols: Specfile

Name: l7-protocols
Version: 0.4
Release: alt1

%define subver 2007-10-10

Summary: L7-filter protocols definitions.
License: GPLv2+
Group: Networking/Other
Packager: Peter V. Saveliev <>
BuildArch: noarch

Source0: %name-%subver.tar.gz
Requires: l7-filter = %version

L7-filter is a classifier for Linux's Netfilter that identifies
packets based on application layer data. It can classify packets
as Kazaa, HTTP, Jabber, Citrix, Bittorrent, FTP, Gnucleus,
eDonkey2000, etc., regardless of port. It complements existing 
classifiers that match on IP address, port numbers and so on.

This package contains protocol definitions

%setup -q -n %name-%subver


mkdir -p %buildroot
%make PREFIX=%buildroot/ install


* Mon Oct 22 2007 Peter V. Saveliev <> 0.4-alt1
- initial build