Package vim-plugin-python-after-ftplugin: Specfile

%define plugname python
%define plugtype after-ftplugin
%define plugver  1.11

Name: vim-plugin-%plugname-%plugtype
Version: %plugver
Release: alt1

Summary: VIm plugin for easier editing of python scripts
Group: Editors
License: Distributable
Url: %vim_script_url 30
BuildArch: noarch

Source: %plugname.vim
Patch: %name-1.7-alt-disable-default.patch

PreReq: vim-common >= 4:6.3.007-alt1
BuildPreReq: vim-devel

Packager: VIm Plugins Development Team <>

This script can be useful when editing Python scripts. It provides the
following menus: 

- Select a block of lines with the same indentation 
- Select a function 
- Select a class 
- Go to previous/next class/function 
- Go to the beginning/end of a block 
- Comment the selection 
- Uncomment the selection 
- Jump to the last/next line with the same indent 
- Shift a block (left/right)

To enable this plugin define "use_python_after_ftplugin" variable somewhere
in your .vimrc file.

%setup -cT
%__cp %SOURCE0 .
%patch -p0

%__mkdir_p %buildroot%vim_after_ftplugin_dir
%__install -m644 %plugname.vim %buildroot%vim_after_ftplugin_dir


* Wed Dec 13 2006 Andrey Rahmatullin <> 1.11-alt1
- 1.11

* Sat Oct 22 2005 Andrey Rahmatullin <> 1.7-alt1
- initial build