Package libdbus-glib: Specfile

Name: libdbus-glib
Version: 0.78
Release: alt1
Summary: GLib bindings for D-BUS
License: GPL or Academic Free License
Group: System/Libraries
Packager: Valery Inozemtsev <>

Source: %name-%version.tar
Patch: %name-%version-%release.patch

BuildRequires: dbus doxygen gcc-c++ glib2-devel libdbus-devel libexpat-devel xmlto gtk-doc

D-BUS is a system for low-latency, low-overhead, easy to use interprocess
communication (IPC). In more detail:

  o D-BUS is low-latency because it is designed to avoid round trips and
    allow asynchronous operation, much like the X protocol.

  o D-BUS is low-overhead because it uses a binary protocol, and does not
    have to convert to and from a text format such as XML. Because D-BUS is
    intended for potentially high-resolution same-machine IPC, not primarily
    for Internet IPC, this is an interesting optimization.

  o D-BUS is easy to use because it works in terms of messages rather than
    byte streams, and automatically handles a lot of the hard IPC issues.
    Also, the D-BUS library is designed to be wrapped in a way that lets
    developers use their framework's existing object/type system, rather
    than learning a new one specifically for IPC.
This package contains D-BUS library wrapper suitable for applications
which make use of GLib event loop.

%package devel
Summary: GLib bindings development files for D-BUS
Group: Development/C
Requires: %name = %version-%release
PreReq: libdbus-devel >= 0.94
Requires: glib2-devel

%description devel
D-BUS is a system for low-latency, low-overhead, easy to use interprocess
communication (IPC). In more detail:

  o D-BUS is low-latency because it is designed to avoid round trips and
    allow asynchronous operation, much like the X protocol.

  o D-BUS is low-overhead because it uses a binary protocol, and does not
    have to convert to and from a text format such as XML. Because D-BUS is
    intended for potentially high-resolution same-machine IPC, not primarily
    for Internet IPC, this is an interesting optimization.

  o D-BUS is easy to use because it works in terms of messages rather than
    byte streams, and automatically handles a lot of the hard IPC issues.
    Also, the D-BUS library is designed to be wrapped in a way that lets
    developers use their framework's existing object/type system, rather
    than learning a new one specifically for IPC.

This package contains GLib bindings development files for D-BUS.

%package doc
Summary: GLib bindings documentation for D-BUS
Group: Development/C
Requires: %name = %version-%release

%description doc
D-BUS is a system for low-latency, low-overhead, easy to use interprocess
communication (IPC). In more detail:

  o D-BUS is low-latency because it is designed to avoid round trips and
    allow asynchronous operation, much like the X protocol.

  o D-BUS is low-overhead because it uses a binary protocol, and does not
    have to convert to and from a text format such as XML. Because D-BUS is
    intended for potentially high-resolution same-machine IPC, not primarily
    for Internet IPC, this is an interesting optimization.

  o D-BUS is easy to use because it works in terms of messages rather than
    byte streams, and automatically handles a lot of the hard IPC issues.
    Also, the D-BUS library is designed to be wrapped in a way that lets
    developers use their framework's existing object/type system, rather
    than learning a new one specifically for IPC.

This package contains GLib bindings documentation files for D-BUS.

%setup -q
%patch -p1

%configure \
	--enable-gtk-doc \

%make DESTDIR=%buildroot install


%files devel

%files doc

* Fri Dec 05 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <> 0.78-alt1
- 0.78

* Sun Nov 23 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <> 0.76-alt2
- removed obsolete %%post_ldconfig/%%postun_ldconfig calls

* Fri Sep 05 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <> 0.76-alt0.M41.1
- build for branch 4.1

* Thu Jun 19 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <> 0.76-alt1
- 0.76

* Tue Dec 11 2007 Valery Inozemtsev <> 0.74-alt2
- rebuild
- spec cleanup
- update URL

* Thu Jul 05 2007 Igor Zubkov <> 0.74-alt1
- 0.73 -> 0.74

* Tue Apr 10 2007 Igor Zubkov <> 0.73-alt1
- 0.72 -> 0.73
- clean up buildrequires
- add docs

* Sun Dec 24 2006 Igor Zubkov <> 0.72-alt2
- merge eostapets@ changes
- add libdbus-devel >= 0.94 to buildprereq

* Sat Dec 16 2006 Eugene Ostapets <> 0.72-alt1.1
- buildrequires gtk-doc
- separate package with docs

* Mon Dec 04 2006 Igor Zubkov <> 0.72-alt1
- 0.71 -> 0.72

* Tue Oct 31 2006 Igor Zubkov <> 0.71-alt1
- Initial build for Sisyphus