Package lapackpp: Information

    Source package: lapackpp
    Version: 2.5.4-alt2.svn20110615
    Build time:  Mar 12, 2016, 04:26 AM
    Report package bug
    License: LGPL v2.1
    Summary: LAPACK++ is a library for high performance linear algebra computations
    LAPACK++ is a library for high performance linear algebra computations.
    This version includes support for solving linear systems using LU,
    Cholesky, QR matrix factorizations, for real and complex matrices.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    liblapackpp (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    liblapackpp-debuginfo (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    liblapackpp-devel (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    liblapackpp-devel-doc (noarch)

    List of contributors:
    Eugeny A. Rostovtsev

      1. graphviz
      2. doxygen
      3. gcc-c++
      4. gcc-fortran
      5. liblapack-devel

    Last changed

    Aug. 11, 2012 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 2.5.4-alt2.svn20110615
    - Rebuilt with OpenBLAS instead of GotoBLAS2
    Dec. 16, 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 2.5.4-alt1.svn20110615
    - New snapshot
    April 12, 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 2.5.4-alt1.svn20101110.2
    - Built with GotoBLAS2 instead of ATLAS