Package makeself: Information

    Source package: makeself
    Version: 2.4.5-alt1
    Build time:  Jul 16, 2021, 10:49 PM in the task #279232
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2+
    Summary: It's a small shell script that generates a self-extractable archive from a directory
    Description: is a small shell script that generates
    a self-extractable archive from a directory.
    The resulting file appears as a shell script
    (many of those have a .run suffix), and can be launched as is.
    The archive will then uncompress itself to a temporary directory
    and an optional arbitrary command will be
    executed (for example an installation script).

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    makeself (noarch)

    Maintainer: Ilya Mashkin

    List of contributors:
    Vitaly Lipatov
    Ilya Mashkin

    Last changed

    July 16, 2021 Vitaly Lipatov 2.4.5-alt1
    - new version 2.4.5 (with rpmrb script)
    July 6, 2021 Vitaly Lipatov 2.4.4-alt1
    - new version 2.4.4 (with rpmrb script)
    Feb. 24, 2021 Vitaly Lipatov 2.4.3-alt1
    - new version 2.4.3 (with rpmrb script)