Package python3-module-tenacity: Information

    Source package: python3-module-tenacity
    Version: 8.0.1-alt0.p10
    Build time:  Jun 7, 2024, 11:42 AM in the task #349480
    Report package bug
    License: Apache-2.0
    Summary: Retrying library
    Tenacity is an Apache 2.0 licensed general-purpose
    retrying library, written in Python, to simplify the task
    of adding retry behavior to just about anything.
    It originates from a fork of Retrying

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    python3-module-tenacity (noarch)

    Maintainer: Ilfat Aminov

      1. python3-module-setuptools
      2. python3-module-setuptools_scm
      3. rpm-build-python3

    Last changed

    Dec. 10, 2023 Ilfat Aminov 8.0.1-alt0.p10
    - Build for p10
    April 25, 2022 Grigory Ustinov 8.0.1-alt1
    - Build new version.
    - Build with check.
    May 27, 2021 Grigory Ustinov 4.12.0-alt2
    - Drop python2 support.