Package txt2html: Information

    Source package: txt2html
    Version: 2.5201-alt3
    Build time:  Apr 22, 2020, 08:27 AM in the task #242629
    Category: Text tools
    Report package bug
    License: Artistic / GPL
    Summary: Convert raw text to something with a little HTML formatting
    This tools is intented to provide an easier way of
    converting existing text documents to HTML format. txt2html can also
    be used to aid in writing new HTML documents, but there are probably
    better ways of doing that.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    txt2html (noarch)

    Maintainer: Vitaly Lipatov

      1. perl-Getopt-ArgvFile
      2. perl-Module-Build
      3. perl-YAML-Syck
      4. perl-podlators

    Last changed

    April 22, 2020 Dmitry V. Levin 2.5201-alt3
    - Reverted previous change.
    April 19, 2020 Igor Vlasenko 2.5201-alt2
    - dropped perl( autodependency
    Sept. 9, 2014 Igor Vlasenko 2.5201-alt1
    - automated CPAN update