Package vtcl: Specfile

Name:      vtcl
Version:   1.6.1a1
Release:   alt1

Summary:   Visual Tcl is an integrated development environment for Tcl/Tk 8.3 and later.

License:   GPLv2
Group:     Development/Tcl

Patch0:    vtcl-tkversion.patch
Patch1:    vtcl-browser.patch

Requires:  tcl tk tcl-tix
BuildArch: noarch

Visual Tcl is a freely-available, cross-platform application development environment for the Tcl/Tk language.
It generates pure Tcl/Tk code and has support for Itcl megawidgets, Tix and the BLT extension.

Visual Tcl is covered by the GNU General Public License. 
Please read the LICENSE file for more information.



mkdir -p %buildroot%_bindir %buildroot%_datadir/%name
cp -a *.tcl images lib %buildroot%_datadir/%name

echo "#!/usr/bin/wish" > ./vtcl
echo "set env(PATH_TO_WISH) \"/usr/bin/wish\"" >>  ./vtcl
echo "set env(VTCL_HOME) \"/usr/share/vtcl\"" >>  ./vtcl

cat vtcl.tcl >> ./vtcl

install -m 755 ./vtcl %buildroot%_bindir/vtcl

%doc ChangeLog LICENSE README demo doc sample

* Mon Oct 29 2018 Grigory Ustinov <> 1.6.1a1-alt1
- Build new version.
- Add patch for tk version (Closes: #20571).
- Add patch for browser.
- Change license and cleanup spec.

* Mon Oct 26 2003 Pavel Mironchik <> 1.6.0-alt1
- adopted for altlinux
- update 1.6.0