Package apacheds: Information

    Source package: apacheds
    Version: 1.5.4-alt7_1jpp6
    Build time:  Mar 16, 2011, 01:08 AM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: Apache 2.0 License
    Summary: Embeddable LDAP server
    The Apache Directory Server is an embeddable LDAP server implemented
    in pure Java. It has several features that make it unique amoung
    LDAP servers. These features are described below:
    * Designed as an LDAP and X.500 experimentation platform. Plugable
      components and subsystems make ApacheDS extremely modular and ideal
      for experiments with various aspects of the LDAP protocol.
    * The server's frontend is completely separable from its backend
      and vice-versa making it very flexible for implementing virtual
      directories, proxy servers and gateways to X.500.
    * Several backends can be implemented and plugged into the server's
      partition nexus. The server supports a BTree based partition out of
      the box but any backing store can be used to implement a partition
      so long as it conforms to interfaces.
    * The server exposes aspects of administration via a special system
      backend. LDAP can be used to manage these concerns through the
      system naming context at ou=system.
    * Java based triggers and stored procedures are being implemented.
    * Both the backend subsystem and the frontend are separable and
      independently embeddable.
    * The server contains a server side JNDI LDAP provider as the facade
      for the entire backend subsystem. JNDI operations are directly
      translated by this provider into operations against the nexus and
      the target partitions storing server entries.
    * The server will use JNDI as the data access API for stored procedures.
      This will make stored procedures functional within and outside of
      the server without requiring recompilation.
    * The server's networking code, MINA, Multipurpose Infrastructure for
      Network Applications was designed for pluggable protocol providers,
      of all sorts and not just LDAP. MINA gives ApacheDS the ability to
      handle large amounts of concurrency.
    * The server uses the Snickers tools and APIs for ASN.1 BER encoding
      and decoding. These tools are designed for a very small encoding
      and decoding footprint as well as for use in non-blocking servers.

    List of rpms provided by this srpm:
    apacheds-all (noarch)
    apacheds-base (noarch)
    apacheds-bootstrap (noarch)
    apacheds-core (noarch)
    apacheds-javadoc (noarch)
    apacheds-jdbm (noarch)
    apacheds-kerberos (noarch)
    apacheds-mitosis (noarch)
    apacheds-protocol-changepw (noarch)
    apacheds-protocol-dhcp (noarch)
    apacheds-protocol-dns (noarch)
    apacheds-protocol-kerberos (noarch)
    apacheds-protocol-ldap (noarch)
    apacheds-protocol-ntp (noarch)
    apacheds-protocol-shared (noarch)
    apacheds-schema (noarch)
    apacheds-server (noarch)
    apacheds-utils (noarch)
    apacheds-xbean-spring (noarch)
    apacheds-xdbm (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. jakarta-commons-cli
      2. jakarta-commons-collections
      3. jakarta-commons-io
      4. jakarta-commons-lang
      5. jakarta-commons-logging
      6. jakarta-commons-net14
      7. jpackage-compat
      8. excalibur-avalon-logkit
      9. jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.3
      10. jug
      11. junit44
      12. /proc
      13. antlr
      14. apacheds-daemon-bootstrappers
      15. apacheds-shared-asn1
      16. apacheds-shared-asn1-codec
      17. apacheds-shared-bouncycastle-reduced
      18. apacheds-shared-ldap
      19. qdox18
      20. spring2-beans
      21. spring2-context
      22. spring2-core
      23. tanukiwrapper
      24. quartz16
      25. maven-jxr
      26. plexus-archiver
      27. plexus-utils
      28. maven-release
      29. maven-surefire-plugin
      30. maven-surefire-provider-junit4
      31. maven-surefire-report-plugin
      32. geronimo-genesis
      33. maven2 >= 0:2.0.7
      34. maven2-default-skin
      35. maven2-plugin-antrun
      36. maven2-plugin-checkstyle
      37. maven2-plugin-compiler
      38. maven2-plugin-install
      39. maven2-plugin-jar
      40. maven2-plugin-javadoc
      41. maven2-plugin-plugin
      42. maven2-plugin-pmd
      43. maven2-plugin-project-info-reports
      44. maven2-plugin-remote-resources
      45. maven2-plugin-resources
      46. maven2-plugin-shade
      47. maven2-plugin-site
      48. maven2-plugin-source
      49. maven2-plugin-stage
      50. mina11
      51. mina11-filter-ssl
      52. mojo-maven2-plugin-build-helper
      53. mojo-maven2-plugin-cobertura
      54. mojo-maven2-plugin-rat
      55. mojo-maven2-plugin-taglist
      56. nlog4j
      57. velocity
      58. derby
      59. dnsjava
      60. xbean
      61. ldapsdk

    Last changed

    March 15, 2011 Igor Vlasenko 0:1.5.4-alt7_1jpp6
    - fixed build
    Feb. 1, 2011 Igor Vlasenko 0:1.5.4-alt6_1jpp6
    - fixed build
    Dec. 14, 2010 Igor Vlasenko 0:1.5.4-alt5_1jpp6
    - fixed build