Package jetty6: Information

    Source package: jetty6
    Version: 6.1.22-alt5_2jpp6
    Build time:  Apr 26, 2011, 10:16 PM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: ASL 2.0
    Summary: Webserver and Servlet Container
    Jetty is a 100% Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container.

    List of rpms provided by this srpm:
    jetty6 (noarch)
    jetty6-annotations (noarch)
    jetty6-ant (noarch)
    jetty6-core (noarch)
    jetty6-ext (noarch)
    jetty6-grizzly (noarch)
    jetty6-j2se6 (noarch)
    jetty6-javadoc (noarch)
    jetty6-jboss (noarch)
    jetty6-jsp-2.0 (noarch)
    jetty6-jsp-2.1 (noarch)
    jetty6-management (noarch)
    jetty6-maven2-plugins (noarch)
    jetty6-naming (noarch)
    jetty6-plus (noarch)
    jetty6-spring (noarch)
    jetty6-start-daemon (noarch)
    jetty6-sweeper (noarch)
    jetty6-terracotta (noarch)
    jetty6-util5 (noarch)
    jetty6-wadi (noarch)
    jetty6-xbean (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. ant >= 0:1.7
      2. ant-junit
      3. backport-util-concurrent
      4. berkeleydb-je4
      5. qdox
      6. cargo-maven2-plugin
      7. /proc
      8. cglib
      9. regexp
      10. cometd-javascript
      11. concurrent
      12. geronimo-annotation-1.0-api
      13. derby
      14. ecj
      15. geronimo-ejb-3.0-api
      16. geronimo-j2ee-management-1.0-api
      17. geronimo-jta-1.0.1B-api
      18. geronimo-specs-poms
      19. maven-enforcer-rule-api
      20. maven-jxr
      21. maven-release
      22. maven-shared-enforcer-rule-api
      23. maven-surefire-maven-plugin
      24. maven-surefire-provider-junit
      25. maven-surefire-provider-junit4
      26. maven2 >= 2.0.7
      27. maven2-default-skin
      28. maven2-plugin-antrun
      29. maven2-plugin-assembly
      30. maven2-plugin-compiler
      31. maven2-plugin-dependency
      32. felix-maven2
      33. maven2-plugin-enforcer
      34. maven2-plugin-help
      35. maven2-plugin-install
      36. maven2-plugin-jar
      37. maven2-plugin-javadoc
      38. maven2-plugin-plugin
      39. maven2-plugin-project-info-reports
      40. maven2-plugin-resources
      41. maven2-plugin-site
      42. maven2-plugin-source
      43. maven2-plugin-war
      44. gmaven-runtime-1.5
      45. grizzly
      46. mojo-maven2-natives
      47. mojo-maven2-plugin-build-helper
      48. mojo-maven2-plugin-jboss-packaging
      49. h2database
      50. servlet_2_5_api
      51. tc-maven-plugin
      52. slf4j15
      53. tomcat5-jasper
      54. tomcat6
      55. tomcat6-lib
      56. jaf_1_1_api
      57. jakarta-commons-codec
      58. jakarta-commons-el
      59. jakarta-commons-httpclient
      60. jakarta-commons-parent >= 0:9
      61. terracotta-dso
      62. testng
      63. junit >= 0:3.8.1
      64. spring-all
      65. mx4j
      66. wadi20
      67. xbean
      68. jakarta-slide-webdavclient
      69. xpp3
      70. xpp3-minimal
      71. javamail_1_4_api
      72. jboss4-common
      73. jboss4-j2ee
      74. jboss4-jmx
      75. jboss4-security
      76. jboss4-server
      77. jboss4-system
      78. jetty-jsp-2.1
      79. jetty6-core
      80. jmock
      81. jpackage-compat
      82. jsp_2_1_api

    Last changed

    April 26, 2011 Igor Vlasenko 0:6.1.22-alt5_2jpp6
    - fixed build
    Jan. 31, 2011 Igor Vlasenko 0:6.1.22-alt4_2jpp6
    - fixed build
    Dec. 4, 2010 Igor Vlasenko 0:6.1.22-alt3_2jpp6
    - fixed user/group creation (closes: #24688)