Package libgflags: Specfile

Name: libgflags
Summary: A commandline flags library that allows for distributed flags
Version: 1.5
Release: alt1
Group: System/Libraries
License: BSD

# Automatically added by buildreq on Wed Mar 30 2011
BuildRequires: gcc-c++

The %name package contains a library that implements commandline flags
processing.  As such it's a replacement for getopt().  It has increased
flexibility, including built-in support for C++ types like string, and
the ability to define flags in the source file in which they're used.

%package devel
Summary: A commandline flags library that allows for distributed flags
Group: Development/C++
Requires: %name = %version

%description devel
The %name-devel package contains static and debug libraries and header
files for developing applications that use the %name package.

%setup -n gflags-%version




%files devel

* Wed Mar 30 2011 Fr. Br. George <> 1.5-alt1
- Initial build from native spec

	* Thu Sep 10 2009 <>
        - Change from '%configure' to something like it, but without -m32

	* Mon Apr 20 2009 <>
	- Change build rule to use '%configure' rather than './configure'
	- Change install to use DESTDIR instead of prefix for make install.
	- Use wildcards for doc/ and lib/ directories
        - Use {_libdir}/{_includedir}/etc instead of {prefix}/lib, etc

	* Tue Dec 13 2006 <>
	- First draft