Package maven2: Information

    Source package: maven2
    Version: 2.0.8-alt11_37jpp6
    Build time:  Sep 6, 2011, 06:57 PM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: Apache Software License
    Summary: Java project management and project comprehension tool
    Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the
    concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build,
    reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.

    List of rpms provided by this srpm:
    maven2 (noarch)
    maven2-javadoc (noarch)
    maven2-manual (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-ant (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-antlr (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-antrun (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-assembly (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-changelog (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-changes (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-checkstyle (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-clean (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-compiler (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-dependency (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-deploy (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-doap (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-docck (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-ear (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-eclipse (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-ejb (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-gpg (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-help (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-idea (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-install (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-invoker (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-jar (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-javadoc (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-one (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-pmd (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-project-info-reports (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-rar (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-remote-resources (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-repository (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-resources (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-site (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-source (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-stage (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-verifier (noarch)
    maven2-plugin-war (noarch)
    maven2-repolib (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. /bin/grep
      2. /bin/ls
      3. /bin/sed
      4. saxon-scripts
      5. saxpath
      6. ant >= 0:1.8.1
      7. ant-junit >= 0:1.8.1
      8. ant-nodeps >= 0:1.8.1
      9. antlr >= 0:2.7.4
      10. geronimo-genesis
      11. geronimo-j2ee-1.4-apis
      12. geronimo-javamail-1.3.1-api
      13. geronimo-jms-1.1-api
      14. apache-commons-beanutils >= 0:1.7.0
      15. apache-commons-cli >= 0:1.0
      16. apache-commons-collections >= 0:3.1
      17. apache-commons-io >= 0:1.1
      18. apache-commons-lang >= 0:2.1
      19. apache-commons-logging >= 0:1.0.4
      20. apache-commons-parent
      21. apache-commons-validator >= 0:1.1.4
      22. glassfish-javamail
      23. /proc
      24. qdox >= 0:1.5
      25. aqute-bndlib
      26. /usr/bin/awk
      27. /usr/bin/find
      28. maven-doxia >= 0:1.0-1
      29. maven-doxia-sitetools
      30. maven-embedder
      31. maven-enforcer
      32. gnu.regexp >= 0:1.1.4
      33. maven-jxr >= 0:1.0-2
      34. /usr/bin/head
      35. maven-plugin-tools
      36. maven-scm >= 0:1.0-0.b3.2
      37. maven-scm-test >= 0:1.0-0.b3.2
      38. maven-shared-archiver
      39. maven-shared-common-artifact-filters
      40. maven-shared-dependency-analyzer
      41. maven-shared-dependency-tree
      42. maven-shared-downloader
      43. maven-shared-doxia-tools
      44. maven-shared-file-management >= 1.0
      45. maven-shared-filtering
      46. maven-shared-invoker
      47. maven-shared-io
      48. maven-shared-jar
      49. maven-shared-model-converter
      50. maven-shared-plugin-testing-harness >= 0:1.0
      51. maven-shared-plugin-testing-tools
      52. maven-shared-plugin-tools-api
      53. maven-shared-plugin-tools-beanshell
      54. maven-shared-plugin-tools-java
      55. maven-shared-reporting-impl
      56. maven-shared-repository-builder
      57. maven-shared-toolchain
      58. maven-shared-verifier
      59. maven-surefire >= 2.0
      60. maven-surefire-booter >= 2.0
      61. maven-surefire-plugin
      62. maven-surefire-provider-junit
      63. maven-wagon >= 0:1.0-0.1.b2
      64. maven2-common-poms >= 0:1.0-5
      65. maven2-plugin-ant
      66. maven2-plugin-assembly
      67. maven2-plugin-clean
      68. maven2-plugin-compiler
      69. maven2-plugin-install
      70. maven2-plugin-jar
      71. maven2-plugin-javadoc
      72. maven2-plugin-plugin
      73. maven2-plugin-resources
      74. maven2-plugin-shade
      75. maven2-plugin-site
      76. maven2-plugin-war
      77. groovy15
      78. modello >= 1.0-0.a8.3
      79. modello-maven-plugin >= 1.0-0.a8.3
      80. tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api
      81. httpunit >= 0:1.6
      82. plexus-ant-factory >= 0:1.0-0.a1.2
      83. plexus-archiver >= 0:1.0-0.1.a8
      84. plexus-bsh-factory >= 0:1.0-0.a7s.2
      85. plexus-classworlds
      86. plexus-cli
      87. plexus-compiler >= 0:1.5.1
      88. plexus-container-default >= 0:1.0
      89. plexus-containers
      90. plexus-containers-component-annotations
      91. plexus-containers-container-default
      92. plexus-digest
      93. plexus-i18n >= 0:1.0
      94. plexus-interactivity >= 0:1.0
      95. plexus-mail-sender
      96. plexus-maven-plugin >= 1.3.5
      97. plexus-resources
      98. plexus-utils >= 0:1.5.8
      99. plexus-velocity >= 0:1.1.2
      100. pmd >= 0:3.6
      101. dom4j >= 0:1.6.1
      102. bsh >= 0:1.3.0
      103. rhino >= 0:1.5
      104. nekohtml >= 0:0.9.3
      105. checkstyle4 >= 0:4.1
      106. checkstyle4-optional >= 0:4.1
      107. velocity > 0:1.4
      108. velocity14
      109. objectweb-asm
      110. classworlds >= 0:1.1
      111. excalibur-avalon-framework
      112. jakarta-commons-digester
      113. jakarta-commons-parent
      114. ws-commons-util
      115. jaxen >= 0:1.1
      116. xalan-j2 >= 0:2.6.0
      117. jdom >= 0:1.0
      118. xerces-j2 >= 0:2.7.1
      119. jline >= 0:0.8.1
      120. jpackage-compat
      121. xmlrpc
      122. xmlunit
      123. xom
      124. jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.5
      125. jsch >= 0:0.1.20
      126. jtidy >= 0:1.0
      127. junit >= 0:3.8.2
      128. oro >= 0:2.0.8

    Last changed

    Sept. 6, 2011 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.0.8-alt11_37jpp6
    - fixed build w/new xmlrpc
    March 10, 2011 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.0.8-alt10_37jpp6
    - new jpp release with ant 1.8 support
    Feb. 25, 2011 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.0.8-alt10_29jpp6
    - added missing /etc/mavenrc config