Package mojo-maven2-plugins: Information

    Source package: mojo-maven2-plugins
    Version: 17-alt16_1jpp5
    Build time:  Jul 5, 2011, 10:14 PM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: ASL, MIT, GPL, LGPL
    Summary: Maven2 plugin set from
    The Mojo project allows a bunch of people not necessarily
    involved with the Maven project to come along and build
    some plugins.
    Maven plugins may also be developed here because they are
    not compatible with the Apache license. Plugin authors may
    choose to use other licenses (BSD, GPL, MPL ...) to license
    their work or may be forced to because of the nature of the
    plugin and its dependencies. These plugin authors are
    responsible for working with their plugins license but the
    mailing lists are a great place to get help if people get
    confused on what can or can not be done within the mojo project.

    List of rpms provided by this srpm:
    mojo-maven2-archetype-jellymojo (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-archetype-rubyscript (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-archetypeng (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-archetypes (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-changes (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-diagram-maker (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-jruby (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-natives (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-antlr (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-appassembler (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-appbundler (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-apt (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-aspectj (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-axistools (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-batik (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-build-helper (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-buildinfo (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-buildnumber (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-castor (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-cis (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-clirr (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-cobertura (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-commons-attributes (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-cruisecontrol (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-dbunit (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-deb (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-delicious (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-docbook (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-ejbdoclet (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-emma (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-exec (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-fileutils (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-findbugs (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-fit (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-freemarker (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-ganalytics (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-graphing (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-hibernatedoclet (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-hsqldb (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-ibatis (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-idlj (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-j2me (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jalopy (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jardiff (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-javacc (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-javancss (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jaxb2 (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jaxws (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jboss (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jboss-packaging (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jdepend (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jdiff (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jellyapi (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jetty (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jettybin (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-jpox (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-keytool (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-l10n (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-mant (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-minijar (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-native2ascii (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-netbeans-freeform (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-openjpa (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-osxappbundle (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-ounce (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-pomtools (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-properties (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-push (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-rat (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-retrotranslator (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-retroweaver (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-rmic (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-rpm (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-runtime-builder (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-sablecc (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-script (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-selenium (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-shade (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-shell (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-shitty (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-simple (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-smc (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-springbeandoc (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-springdoclet (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-sql (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-sysdeo-tomcat (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-taglist (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-tomcat (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-visibroker (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-wagon (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-webdoclet (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-webstart (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-wsdl2java (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-xjc (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-xml (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-xmlbeans (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-xslt (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugin-xsltc (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugins (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-plugins-javadoc (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-solaris (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-support (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-wagon-cifs (noarch)
    mojo-maven2-was (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. /proc
      2. aelfred
      3. annotation_1_0_api
      4. ant
      5. ant-antlr
      6. ant-junit
      7. ant-nodeps
      8. ant-trax
      9. antlr
      10. apache-ibatis-abator-core
      11. saaj_1_3_api
      12. sablecc
      13. aqute-bndlib
      14. aspectj >= 0:1.5.3
      15. saxon8
      16. saxon8-dom
      17. saxpath
      18. serp
      19. servlet_2_3_api
      20. servlet_2_4_api
      21. servlet_2_5_api
      22. slf4j
      23. axion
      24. axis >= 0:1.4
      25. backport-util-concurrent
      26. spring-beandoc
      27. spring2
      28. spring2-beans
      29. spring2-core
      30. bcel
      31. bea-stax
      32. stax-utils
      33. stax_1_0_api
      34. sun-jaxb-1.0-impl
      35. sun-jaxb-2.1-impl
      36. sun-jaxws-2.1-impl
      37. sun-saaj-1.3-impl
      38. qdox
      39. bouncycastle-jdk1.5
      40. log4j
      41. tomcat5-common-lib
      42. tomcat5-jasper
      43. tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api
      44. geronimo-jms-1.1-api
      45. geronimo-jpa-3.0-api
      46. geronimo-jta-1.0.1B-api
      47. tomcat5-server-lib
      48. tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api
      49. tomcat6
      50. tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api
      51. tomcat6-lib
      52. tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api
      53. bsf
      54. maven-archetype
      55. maven-doxia
      56. maven-doxia-sitetools
      57. maven-embedder
      58. maven-jxr
      59. rat-lib
      60. vafer-dependency
      61. maven-release
      62. maven-scm
      63. maven-shared-archiver
      64. maven-shared-dependency-tree
      65. maven-shared-downloader
      66. maven-shared-enforcer-rule-api
      67. maven-shared-file-management
      68. maven-shared-osgi
      69. maven-shared-plugin-testing-harness
      70. relaxngDatatype
      71. maven-shared-plugin-testing-tools
      72. maven-shared-plugin-tools-api
      73. maven-shared-plugin-tools-java
      74. maven-shared-reporting-impl
      75. maven-surefire-plugin
      76. maven-surefire-report-plugin
      77. maven-wagon
      78. retrotranslator
      79. maven2 >= 2.0.7
      80. maven2-plugin-antrun
      81. maven2-plugin-assembly
      82. maven2-plugin-clean
      83. maven2-plugin-compiler
      84. maven2-plugin-dependency
      85. maven2-plugin-deploy
      86. maven2-plugin-docck
      87. maven2-plugin-eclipse
      88. maven2-plugin-enforcer
      89. maven2-plugin-idea
      90. maven2-plugin-install
      91. maven2-plugin-invoker
      92. maven2-plugin-jar
      93. maven2-plugin-javadoc
      94. maven2-plugin-one
      95. maven2-plugin-plugin
      96. maven2-plugin-remote-resources
      97. maven2-plugin-resources
      98. maven2-plugin-site
      99. maven2-plugin-war
      100. velocity14
      101. castor
      102. gmaven
      103. gmaven-runtime-1.0
      104. gmaven-runtime-1.5
      105. modello10
      106. plexus-appserver
      107. plexus-archiver
      108. plexus-compiler
      109. plexus-component-annotations
      110. plexus-container-artifact
      111. plexus-container-default
      112. plexus-containers
      113. plexus-containers-container-default
      114. plexus-digest
      115. plexus-i18n
      116. plexus-interactivity
      117. plexus-io
      118. plexus-jruby-factory
      119. plexus-mainclass-finder
      120. plexus-maven-plugin
      121. plexus-resources
      122. plexus-utils
      123. plexus-velocity
      124. classworlds
      125. ws-commons-XmlSchema
      126. ws_metadata_2_0_api
      127. wsdl4j >= 0:1.5.1
      128. wstx
      129. gnu-getopt
      130. xalan-j2
      131. xalan-j2-xsltc
      132. xbean
      133. xdoclet
      134. clirr
      135. xerces-j2
      136. xjavadoc
      137. cobertura >= 0:1.9
      138. xml-commons-jaxp-1.3-apis
      139. xml-commons-resolver11
      140. xml-commons-resolver12
      141. xmlbeans
      142. xmlgraphics-batik
      143. xmlgraphics-batik-rasterizer
      144. xmlgraphics-fop
      145. xmlunit
      146. colt
      147. xpp3
      148. xsdlib
      149. xstream
      150. groovy10
      151. groovy11
      152. mysql-connector-java
      153. dbunit
      154. hsqldb
      155. objectweb-asm
      156. docbook-xsl-java-xalan
      157. httpunit
      158. dom4j
      159. easymock-java5
      160. ecj
      161. el_1_0_api
      162. emma
      163. fit >= 0:1.1
      164. findbugs >= 0:1.3.1
      165. forehead
      166. openqa-selenium-core >= 0:0.8.3
      167. openqa-selenium-rc-java-client-driver >= 0:0.9.2
      168. openqa-selenium-rc-server >= 0:0.9.2
      169. openqa-selenium-rc-server-coreless >= 0:0.9.2
      170. javacc >= 0:4.0
      171. javamail = 0:1.4
      172. javancss
      173. itext
      174. j2ee_connector_1_5_api
      175. javassist
      176. jaxb_1_0_api
      177. jaxb_2_1_api
      178. freemarker >= 0:2.3.6
      179. jakarta-commons-attributes
      180. jakarta-commons-beanutils
      181. jakarta-commons-codec
      182. jakarta-commons-collections
      183. jakarta-commons-configuration
      184. jaxen
      185. jaxws_2_1_api
      186. jboss4-common
      187. jakarta-commons-discovery
      188. jakarta-commons-el
      189. jakarta-commons-httpclient
      190. jakarta-commons-io
      191. jakarta-commons-jelly
      192. jakarta-commons-jelly-tags-ant
      193. jakarta-commons-jelly-tags-define
      194. jakarta-commons-jelly-tags-util
      195. jakarta-commons-jelly-tags-xml
      196. jakarta-commons-jexl
      197. jakarta-commons-lang
      198. jakarta-commons-logging
      199. jakarta-commons-pool
      200. jakarta-commons-primitives
      201. jakarta-poi
      202. jakarta-slide-webdavclient
      203. jalopy
      204. jardiff
      205. jarjar
      206. jasperreports
      207. jboss4-j2ee
      208. jboss4-jmx
      209. jchardet
      210. jcifs >= 0:1.2.9
      211. jcommon
      212. jcommon0
      213. jdepend >= 0:2.9.1
      214. jdiff >= 0:1.0.9
      215. jdom
      216. openjpa
      217. jetty5
      218. jetty6-servlet-2.5-api
      219. jfreechart
      220. jfreechart0
      221. oro
      222. jline
      223. jpa_1_0B_api
      224. jpackage-1.5.0-compat
      225. jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.4
      226. jpox-core
      227. jpox-enhancer
      228. jruby
      229. jsmc >= 0:5.0
      230. jtb >= 0:1.3.2
      231. jtidy
      232. jung
      233. junit
      234. junit-addons

    Last changed

    June 2, 2011 Igor Vlasenko 0:17-alt16_1jpp5
    - fixed build
    Feb. 26, 2011 Igor Vlasenko 0:17-alt15_1jpp5
    - build with velocity14; added jpp-depmapping for velocity
    Feb. 7, 2011 Igor Vlasenko 0:17-alt14_1jpp5
    - build without hibernate3