Package nanocontainer: Information

    Source package: nanocontainer
    Version: 1.1.2-alt4_1jpp5
    Build time:  Dec 29, 2010, 01:23 AM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: BSD -style
    Summary: Dependency-injection container
    The scope of the NanoContainer project is to complement the
    PicoContainer project, providing it with additional
    functionality. The project comprises of several components
    which can either be adaptions in various guises of
    PicoContainer (eg composition by-class-name rather than
    by-class), or adaptations to external components bringing
    them closer to the Dependency Injection ideal - particularly
    Constructor Injection.
    NanoContainer is a Dependency Injection container that
    manages trees of PicoContainers.

    List of rpms provided by this srpm:
    nanocontainer (noarch)
    nanocontainer-container-aop (noarch)
    nanocontainer-container-bsh (noarch)
    nanocontainer-container-groovy (noarch)
    nanocontainer-container-jruby (noarch)
    nanocontainer-container-jython (noarch)
    nanocontainer-container-rhino (noarch)
    nanocontainer-webcontainer (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. qdox
      2. /proc
      3. ant >= 0:1.6.5
      4. picocontainer
      5. aopalliance
      6. asm2 >= 0:2.2.3
      7. maven-release
      8. maven-surefire-plugin
      9. maven2 >= 2.0.7
      10. maven2-default-skin
      11. maven2-plugin-antrun
      12. maven2-plugin-assembly
      13. maven2-plugin-compiler
      14. maven2-plugin-dependency
      15. backport-util-concurrent >= 0:2.1
      16. maven2-plugin-install
      17. maven2-plugin-jar
      18. maven2-plugin-javadoc
      19. maven2-plugin-project-info-reports
      20. maven2-plugin-resources
      21. maven2-plugin-site
      22. maven2-plugin-source
      23. regexp
      24. rhino16
      25. mojo-maven2-plugin-cobertura
      26. proxytoys
      27. gnu-getopt
      28. bsh2
      29. servletapi5
      30. cglib1
      31. groovy15
      32. cobertura
      33. dynaop
      34. velocity
      35. jakarta-commons-httpclient
      36. jakarta-commons-io
      37. jakarta-commons-lang
      38. jakarta-commons-logging >= 0:1.1
      39. jakarta-commons-validator
      40. jakarta-commons-vfs
      41. junit >= 0:3.8.1
      42. jython
      43. jakarta-oro
      44. xstream >= 0:1.2.1
      45. jakarta-commons-cli
      46. jakarta-commons-collections
      47. jdom
      48. jetty5
      49. jetty6-jsp-2.1
      50. jmock
      51. jpackage-compat
      52. jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.3
      53. jruby

    Last changed

    Dec. 28, 2010 Igor Vlasenko 0:1.1.2-alt4_1jpp5
    - fixed build; corrected jpp depmap
    Sept. 29, 2010 Igor Vlasenko 0:1.1.2-alt3_1jpp5
    - rebuild with jetty6-jsp; disabled javadocs
    Sept. 28, 2010 Igor Vlasenko 0:1.1.2-alt2_1jpp5
    - build w/o dependencies on obsolete jetty6 subpackages