Package webwork: Information

    Source package: webwork
    Version: 2.2.7-alt2_1jpp5
    Build time:  Nov 4, 2010, 11:19 AM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: Apache Software License modified
    Summary: Web application framework for J2EE
    WebWork is a Java web-application development framework.
    It is built specifically with developer productivity and
    code simplicity in mind. WebWork is built on top of XWork,
    which provides a generic command pattern framework as well
    as an Inversion of Control container. In addition to these
    features, WebWork provides robust support for building
    reusable UI templates, such as form controls, UI themes,
    internationalization, dynamic form parameter mapping to
    JavaBeans, robust client and server side validation,
    and much more.

    List of rpms provided by this srpm:
    webwork (noarch)
    webwork-javadoc (noarch)
    webwork-manual (noarch)
    webwork-multipart (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. freemarker
      2. /proc
      3. picocontainer
      4. ant >= 0:1.6.5
      5. ant-junit
      6. ant-nodeps
      7. ant-trax
      8. antlr
      9. servlet_2_4_api
      10. sitemesh >= 0:2.4.1
      11. asm
      12. spring-aop
      13. spring-beans
      14. spring-context
      15. spring-core
      16. spring-mock
      17. spring-web
      18. log4j
      19. struts-tiles
      20. mockobjects
      21. mockobjects-alt-jdk1.4
      22. mockobjects-jdk1.4
      23. mockobjects-jdk1.4-j2ee1.4
      24. rife-continuations
      25. plexus-container-default
      26. dom4j
      27. plexus-utils
      28. dwr
      29. ecj
      30. ehcache
      31. cewolf
      32. cglib
      33. tiles
      34. classworlds
      35. tomcat5-jasper
      36. nanocontainer
      37. nanocontainer-nanowar
      38. velocity-tools12
      39. velocity14
      40. hibernate3
      41. javamail_1_3_1_api
      42. xdoclet
      43. javassist
      44. itext
      45. ivy
      46. xjavadoc
      47. xml-commons-jaxp-1.3-apis
      48. jcommon
      49. xmlunit
      50. pell-multipart
      51. jetty5
      52. jfreechart >= 0:0.9.21
      53. jakarta-commons-attributes
      54. jakarta-commons-beanutils
      55. jakarta-commons-collections
      56. jakarta-commons-digester
      57. jakarta-commons-el
      58. jakarta-commons-fileupload
      59. jakarta-commons-io
      60. jakarta-commons-lang
      61. jakarta-commons-logging
      62. ognl
      63. oscore
      64. jpackage-compat
      65. jakarta-poi
      66. jakarta-taglibs-standard
      67. jasperreports >= 0:1.0.0
      68. jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.3
      69. jsch
      70. jsp_2_0_api
      71. junit >= 0:3.8.1
      72. xstream
      73. xwork >= 0:1.2.1

    Last changed

    Nov. 3, 2010 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.2.7-alt2_1jpp5
    - fixed build with new xmlunit; increased javadoc maxmemory
    April 15, 2010 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.2.7-alt1_1jpp5.qa1
    - NMU (by repocop): the following fixes applied:
      * windows-thumbnail-database-in-package for webwork
      * postclean-05-filetriggers for spec file
    March 7, 2010 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.2.7-alt1_1jpp5
    - new version