Package bonk: Information

    Source package: bonk
    Version: 0.6-alt4.qa1
    Build time:  Apr 15, 2013, 06:30 AM
    Category: Sound
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2+
    Summary: Bonk lossy/lossless audio coder
    Bonk is a high quality audio compression program. It can operate in
    either lossless or lossy mode. In lossless mode, the exact original WAV
    file can be recovered from the compressed file. In lossy mode, some
    information is discarded in the compressed file, yielding a much higher
    compression ratio. The information discarded is perceptually
    unimportant, and the result should be a *perceptually* lossless
    encoding. Bonk can compress some types of sounds more than others, so
    the actual bit-rate achieved varies.
    In lossy mode, it can compress some types of sound to as low as 95 kbps
    (a compression ration of 14:1) while maintaining perceptually lossless
    CD quality stereo. In general, the compression ratio achieved by Bonk
    is slightly higher than that achieved using the more common MP3 format,
    for equivalent sound quality. In particular it copes with transients
    (eg clapping, drum beats) better. Performance on purely tonal sound is
    roughly equivalent to MP3.
    In lossless mode the compression ratio is typically around 2:1.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    bonk (x86_64, i586)
    bonk-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)

    Maintainer: Led

    List of contributors:
    Dmitry V. Levin

      1. gcc-c++
      2. rpm-build-licenses

    Last changed

    April 15, 2013 Dmitry V. Levin 0.6-alt4.qa1
    - NMU: rebuilt for debuginfo.
    Dec. 27, 2008 Led 0.6-alt4
    - fixed build with g++ 4.3
    Oct. 22, 2008 Led 0.6-alt3
    - cleaned up spec