Package csmash: Information

    Source package: csmash
    Version: 0.6.6-alt3_26
    Build time:  Feb 22, 2013, 09:30 PM
    Category: Games/Other
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2+
    Summary: 3D tabletennis game
    CannonSmash is a 3D tabletennis game. The goal of this project is to
    represent various strategy of tabletennis on computer game.
    This program requires OpenGL and SDL. If your machine doesn't have 3D
    accelaration video card, this program runs very slowly.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    csmash (x86_64, i586)
    csmash-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. gtk2-devel
      2. desktop-file-utils
      3. libgtk+2-devel
      4. libSDL-devel >= 1.2.0
      5. libSDL_image-devel
      6. libSDL_mixer-devel
      7. libX11-devel
      8. libjpeg-devel
      9. libXext-devel
      10. libXi-devel
      11. libXmu-devel
      12. libXt-devel
      13. /usr/bin/gzip
      14. libGL-devel
      15. libGLU-devel
      16. libICE-devel
      17. gcc-c++
      18. autoconf
      19. automake
      20. gettext
      21. gettext-devel
      22. zlib-devel

    Last changed

    Feb. 22, 2013 Igor Vlasenko 0.6.6-alt3_26
    - update to new release by fcimport
    July 27, 2012 Igor Vlasenko 0.6.6-alt3_25
    - update to new release by fcimport
    March 2, 2012 Igor Vlasenko 0.6.6-alt3_24
    - rebuild with fixed sourcedep analyser (#27020)