Package infinispan: Information

    Source package: infinispan
    Version: 5.1.2-alt1_3jpp7
    Build time:  Sep 13, 2012, 10:34 PM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: LGPLv2+
    Summary: Data grid platform
    Infinispan is an extremely scalable, highly available data grid
    platform - 100% open source, and written in Java. The purpose of
    Infinispan is to expose a data structure that is highly concurrent,
    designed ground-up to make the most of modern multi-processor/multi-core
    architectures while at the same time providing distributed cache
    capabilities.  At its core Infinispan exposes a Cache interface which
    extends java.util.Map. It is also optionally is backed by a peer-to-peer
    network architecture to distribute state efficiently around a data grid.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    infinispan (noarch)
    infinispan-javadoc (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. maven
      2. maven-antrun-plugin
      3. maven-enforcer-plugin
      4. maven-plugin-exec
      5. maven-remote-resources-plugin
      6. maven-resources-plugin
      7. jboss-logging-tools
      8. jboss-marshalling
      9. jboss-naming
      10. jboss-transaction-1.1-api
      11. jcip-annotations
      12. jgroups >= 3.0.3
      13. jpackage-compat
      14. jpackage-utils
      15. apache-commons-math
      16. /proc
      17. avro
      18. staxmapper
      19. rhq-plugin-annotations
      20. c3p0

    Last changed

    Sept. 13, 2012 Igor Vlasenko 5.1.2-alt1_3jpp7
    - new version