Package jakarta-jcs: Information

    Source package: jakarta-jcs
    Build time:  Mar 30, 2013, 04:26 AM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: Apache Software License
    Summary: Java Caching System
    JCS is a distributed caching system written in java
    for server-side java applications. It is intended to
    speed up dynamic web applications by providing a means
    to manage cached data of various dynamic natures.
    Like any caching system, the JCS is most useful for
    high read, low put applications. Dynamic content and
    reporting systems can benefit most.
    However, any site that repeatedly constructs pages,
    dropdowns, or common search results form a database
    that is updated at intervals (rather than across
    categories continuously) can improve performance and
    scalability by implementing caching. Latency times drop
    sharply and bottlenecks move away from the database in
    an effectively cached system.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    jakarta-jcs (noarch)
    jakarta-jcs-javadoc (noarch)
    jakarta-jcs-manual (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. ant >= 0:1.6.5
      2. apache-commons-dbcp
      3. apache-commons-pool
      4. log4j
      5. berkeleydb
      6. maven1 >= 0:1.1
      7. maven1-plugin-changes
      8. maven1-plugin-checkstyle
      9. maven1-plugin-ear
      10. maven1-plugin-faq
      11. maven1-plugin-jcoverage
      12. maven1-plugin-jdepend
      13. maven1-plugin-jxr
      14. maven1-plugin-license
      15. maven1-plugin-pmd
      16. maven1-plugin-tasklist
      17. maven1-plugin-test
      18. maven1-plugin-war
      19. maven1-plugin-xdoc
      20. maven1-plugins-base
      21. /proc
      22. mysql-connector-java
      23. hsqldb
      24. saxon
      25. saxon6-scripts
      26. concurrent
      27. servlet_2_3_api
      28. sf-cobertura-maven-plugin
      29. struts
      30. tomcat5-server-lib
      31. velocity
      32. jakarta-commons-collections
      33. jakarta-commons-configuration
      34. jgroups
      35. jisp2
      36. jakarta-commons-lang
      37. jakarta-commons-logging
      38. jpackage-compat
      39. jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.3
      40. junit3
      41. xerces-j2
      42. xml-commons-jaxp-1.3-apis
      43. xmlrpc2

    Last changed

    March 29, 2013 Igor Vlasenko 0:
    - explicitly use junit3
    Sept. 12, 2012 Igor Vlasenko 0:
    - build with saxon6-scripts
    March 14, 2012 Igor Vlasenko 0:
    - fixed build with moved maven1