Package jparsec: Information

    Source package: jparsec
    Version: 1.2-alt2_1jpp5
    Build time:  Mar 30, 2013, 05:39 AM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: BSD
    Summary: Java Haskell Parsec parser combinator.
    Jparsec is a recursive-desent parser combinator framework
    written for Java. It constructs parsers in native Java
    language only.
    Jparsec stands out for its combinator nature. It is no
    parser generator like YACC or ANTLR. No extra grammar file
    is required. Grammar is written in native Java /C#
    language, which also means you can utilize all the utilities
    in the Java/.Net community to get your parser fancy.
    Jparsec is an implementation of Haskell Parsec on the Java
    platform.  Feature highlights:
    * operator precendence grammar.
    * accurate error location and customizable error message.
    * rich set of pre-defined reusable combinator functions.
    * declarative API that resembles BNF.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    jparsec (noarch)
    jparsec-javadoc (noarch)
    jparsec-manual (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. /proc
      2. ant >= 0:1.6.5
      3. ant-junit3
      4. jpackage-compat
      5. jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.5
      6. junit3

    Last changed

    March 29, 2013 Igor Vlasenko 0:1.2-alt2_1jpp5
    - explicitly use junit3
    March 3, 2009 Igor Vlasenko 0:1.2-alt1_1jpp5
    - new version