Package json-lib: Information

    Source package: json-lib
    Version: 2.3-alt2_8jpp7
    Build time:  Feb 27, 2013, 11:54 AM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: ASL 2.0
    Summary: JSON library for Java
    JSON-lib is a java library for transforming beans, maps, collections, java
    arrays and XML to JSON and back again to beans and DynaBeans.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    json-lib (noarch)
    json-lib-javadoc (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. /proc
      2. jakarta-oro
      3. jaxen
      4. jpackage-compat
      5. jpackage-utils
      6. junit
      7. rpm-build-java
      8. log4j
      9. maven
      10. maven-compiler-plugin
      11. maven-javadoc-plugin
      12. maven-surefire-maven-plugin
      13. maven-surefire-provider-junit
      14. antlr3-tool >= 3.2-7
      15. asm2
      16. dom4j
      17. xmlunit
      18. xom
      19. ezmorph
      20. groovy >= 1.7.2-2

    Last changed

    Feb. 25, 2013 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.3-alt2_8jpp7
    - fc update
    Aug. 27, 2012 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.3-alt2_5jpp7
    - fixed build
    March 21, 2012 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.3-alt1_5jpp7
    - fc version