Package kernel-modules-alx-std-pae: Information

    Source package: kernel-modules-alx-std-pae
    Version: 20130405-alt1.200220.1
    Build time:  Jan 12, 2015, 01:19 PM in the task #138254
    Copied in the task: #138372
    Report package bug
    License: GPL
    Summary: alx module for Linux kernel
    The alx driver provide support for:
    * AR8161 Gigabit Ethernet
    * AR8162 Fast Ethernet
    * QCA8171 Gigabit Ethernet
    * QCA8172 Fast Ethernet

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    kernel-modules-alx-std-pae (i586)

    List of contributors:
    Anton V. Boyarshinov

      1. kernel-source-alx = 20130405
      2. rpm >= 4.0.2-75
      3. rpm-build-kernel
      4. kernel-headers-modules-std-pae = 1:3.14.28-alt1

    Last changed

    Jan. 9, 2015 Anton V. Boyarshinov 20130405-alt1.200220.1
    - Build for kernel-image-std-pae-3.14.28-alt1.