Package lancet: Information

    Source package: lancet
    Version: 1.0.1-alt1_5jpp7
    Build time:  Sep 18, 2012, 02:57 AM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: EPL
    Summary: A build tool like Ant or Rake
    Lancet is a build tool like Ant or Rake. Lancet makes it
    easy to create build targets: any Clojure function can be
    a build target. Lancet can call Ant tasks, or shell out
    and call other processes.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    lancet (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. /proc
      2. jpackage-compat
      3. jpackage-utils >= 1.5

    Last changed

    Sept. 17, 2012 Igor Vlasenko 1.0.1-alt1_5jpp7
    - new version