Package libmesh-complex: Information

    Source package: libmesh-complex
    Version: 0.8.0-alt7.svn20120913
    Build time:  Feb 10, 2013, 11:58 PM
    Report package bug
    License: LGPL v2.1
    Summary: Numerical simulation of partial differential equations
    The libMesh library provides a framework for the numerical simulation of
    partial differential equations using arbitrary unstructured discretizations
    on serial and parallel platforms. A major goal of the library is to provide
    support for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) computations in parallel while
    allowing a research scientist to focus on the physics they are modeling.
    libMesh currently supports 1D, 2D, and 3D steady and transient finite
    element simulations. The library makes use of high-quality, existing
    software whenever possible. PETSc is used for the solution of linear systems
    on both serial and parallel platforms, and LASPack is included with the
    library to provide linear solver support on serial machines. An optional
    interface to SLEPc is also provided for solving both standard and
    generalized eigenvalue problems.

    List of rpms provided by this srpm:
    libmesh-complex (x86_64, i586)
    libmesh-complex-contrib (x86_64, i586)
    libmesh-complex-contrib-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)
    libmesh-complex-contrib-devel (x86_64, i586)
    libmesh-complex-contrib-tools (x86_64, i586)
    libmesh-complex-contrib-tools-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)
    libmesh-complex-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)
    libmesh-complex-devel (x86_64, i586)
    libmesh-complex-examples (noarch)
    libmesh-complex-tools (x86_64, i586)
    libmesh-complex-tools-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)

    List of contributors:
    Eugeny A. Rostovtsev

      1. libvtk-devel
      2. libaztecoo10-devel
      3. libbelos10-devel
      4. libblitz-devel
      5. librtop10-devel
      6. libctrilinos10-devel
      7. libkokkos10-devel
      8. librythmos10-devel
      9. libsacado10-devel
      10. libkomplex10-devel
      11. libscalapack-devel
      12. libseacas10-apps-devel
      13. libseacas10-devel
      14. libshards10-devel
      15. liblapack-devel
      16. liblaspack-devel
      17. libslepc-complex-devel
      18. libloca10-devel
      19. libxdrfile-devel
      20. libexodusii-devel
      21. boost-devel
      22. libfei10-devel
      23. libsparskit-devel
      24. libfftw3-mpi-devel
      25. libxml2-devel
      26. getfemxx
      27. bzlib-devel
      28. libxpetra10-devel
      29. libmatio-devel
      30. chrpath
      31. libmesquite10-devel
      32. sfc
      33. libmoertel10-devel
      34. libmpe2-devel
      35. python-module-Pygments
      36. python-module-Pyro4
      37. libnetcdf-mpi-devel
      38. libnetcdf_c++4-mpi-devel
      39. eigen2
      40. libglobipack10-devel
      41. libglpk-devel
      42. libgmp-devel
      43. python-module-sphinx-devel
      44. libnox10-devel
      45. libgmp_cxx-devel
      46. libstokhos10-devel
      47. gcc-c++
      48. gcc-fortran
      49. openmpi-devel
      50. zlib-devel
      51. libX11-devel
      52. libintrepid10-devel
      53. libarprec-devel
      54. libpliris10-devel
      55. libpetsc-complex-devel
      56. libtau-devel
      57. libtaucs-devel
      58. libtbb-devel
      59. libparmetis-devel
      60. libparmetis0-devel
      61. libparpack-mpi-devel
      62. libpamgen10-devel
      63. libtpetra10-devel
      64. libphalanx10-devel
      65. libisorropia10-devel
      66. libtrikota10-devel
      67. libtrilinos10-devel
      68. libteko10-devel
      69. libadolc-devel
      70. libthyra10-devel
      71. libtetgen-devel
      72. liboptika10-devel
      73. liboptipack10-devel
      74. libSTK10-devel
      75. libpiro10-devel

    Last changed

    Feb. 10, 2013 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 0.8.0-alt7.svn20120913
    - Rebuilt with Boost 1.53.0
    Feb. 4, 2013 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 0.8.0-alt6.svn20120913
    - Rebuilt with glpk 4.48
    Nov. 29, 2012 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 0.8.0-alt5.svn20120913
    - Rebuilt with Boost 1.52.0