Package mr: Specfile

Name: mr
Version: 1.13
Release: alt1
Summary: A multiple repository management tool

Group: Development/Tools
License: GPLv2+
Source0: %name-%version.tar
Patch0: %name-%version-alt.patch
BuildArch: noarch

BuildRequires: perl-podlators

The mr command can checkout, update, or perform other actions on
a set of repositories as if they were one combined respository. It
supports any combination of subversion, git, cvs, mecurial, bzr and
darcs repositories, and support for other revision control systems
can easily be added.

%patch0 -p1 -b .alt

make %{?_smp_mflags}

install -Dp -m 0755 %name %buildroot%_bindir/%name
for file in mr.1 webcheckout.1; do
    install -Dp -m 0644 $file %buildroot%_mandir/man1/$file
for file in lib/git-fake-bare lib/git-svn lib/unison; do
    install -Dp -m 0644 $file %buildroot%_datadir/%name/$file

%doc GPL README TODO mrconfig mrconfig.complex

* Sat Sep 22 2012 Terechkov Evgenii <> 1.13-alt1
- 1.13

* Sat Sep 22 2012 Terechkov Evgenii <> 1.12-alt1
- Initial build for ALT Linux Sisyphus (based on Fedora spec)