Package springframework: Information

    Source package: springframework
    Version: 3.1.1-alt1_10jpp7.qa1
    Build time:  Apr 22, 2013, 10:33 PM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: ASL 2.0
    Summary: Spring Java Application Framework
    Spring is a layered Java/J2EE application framework, based on code published in
    Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    springframework (noarch)
    springframework-aop (noarch)
    springframework-beans (noarch)
    springframework-context (noarch)
    springframework-context-support (noarch)
    springframework-expression (noarch)
    springframework-instrument (noarch)
    springframework-javadoc (noarch)
    springframework-jdbc (noarch)
    springframework-jms (noarch)
    springframework-orm (noarch)
    springframework-oxm (noarch)
    springframework-struts (noarch)
    springframework-tx (noarch)
    springframework-web (noarch)
    springframework-webmvc (noarch)
    springframework-webmvc-portlet (noarch)

    Maintainer: Repocop Q. A. Robot

      1. log4j
      2. maven
      3. maven-compiler-plugin
      4. maven-install-plugin
      5. maven-jar-plugin
      6. groovy
      7. maven-javadoc-plugin
      8. maven-resources-plugin
      9. maven-source-plugin
      10. maven-surefire-plugin
      11. derby
      12. h2
      13. hamcrest
      14. hessian
      15. hibernate-jpa-2.0-api
      16. hibernate-validator
      17. hibernate3
      18. hibernate3-entitymanager
      19. hsqldb
      20. httpcomponents-client
      21. eclipse-jdt
      22. eclipselink
      23. ehcache-core
      24. objectweb-asm
      25. itext
      26. jackson
      27. jakarta-commons-httpclient
      28. jakarta-taglibs-standard
      29. jamonapi >= 2.73-5
      30. jasperreports
      31. freemarker >= 2.3.19
      32. jboss-connector-1.6-api
      33. /proc
      34. jboss-el-2.2-api >= 1.0.1-0.2
      35. jboss-jsf-2.1-api
      36. jboss-jsp-2.2-api
      37. jboss-jstl-1.2-api
      38. jdo2-api
      39. jetty
      40. struts
      41. jexcelapi
      42. jfreechart
      43. jibx >= 1.2.4-3
      44. joda-time
      45. jopt-simple
      46. jpackage-compat
      47. jpackage-utils
      48. quartz
      49. rome >= 0.9-11
      50. junit
      51. aopalliance
      52. apache-commons-collections
      53. apache-commons-fileupload >= 1.2.2-5
      54. apache-commons-lang
      55. apache-commons-logging
      56. apache-commons-pool
      57. apache-poi
      58. tiles
      59. tomcat-el-2.2-api
      60. tomcat-lib >= 7.0.27-2
      61. tomcat-servlet-3.0-api
      62. portlet-2.0-api
      63. aspectjweaver
      64. atinject
      65. openjpa
      66. axis
      67. backport-util-concurrent
      68. velocity
      69. velocity-tools
      70. bouncycastle-mail
      71. bouncycastle-tsp
      72. geronimo-annotation
      73. geronimo-commonj
      74. geronimo-ejb
      75. geronimo-interceptor
      76. geronimo-jaxrpc
      77. geronimo-jms
      78. geronimo-jpa
      79. geronimo-jta
      80. geronimo-saaj
      81. geronimo-validation
      82. xstream
      83. xmlbeans
      84. xpp3-minimal
      85. c3p0
      86. glassfish-jaxb
      87. glassfish-toplink-essentials
      88. bsh
      89. cglib

    Last changed

    April 22, 2013 Repocop Q. A. Robot 0:3.1.1-alt1_10jpp7.qa1
    - NMU (by repocop). See
    - applied repocop fixes:
      * beehive-log-dependency-needs-epoch-x86_64 for springframework
    Sept. 13, 2012 Igor Vlasenko 0:3.1.1-alt1_10jpp7
    - first build