Package update-source-functions: Information

    Source package: update-source-functions
    Version: 0.1.3-alt1
    Build time:  Apr 11, 2013, 03:07 PM
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv3
    Summary: A set of functions intended to help with updating a git repository from an upstream source
    This package contains the set of Shell functions intended to help with
    updating a git repository from an upstream source released in a public
    directory. Several popular software project hostings are supported
    including SourceForge and GitHub. The plain network public directory
    (i.e. HTTP, FTP) search is also supported with a shortcut for PyPI.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    update-source-functions (noarch)

    Maintainer: Paul Wolneykien

    List of contributors:
    Paul Wolneykien

    Last changed

    April 11, 2013 Paul Wolneykien 0.1.3-alt1
    - Define the basic filename pattern as BASIC_VERPAT.
    - Add basic support of the PyPI.
    - Add support for HTTP public directories.
    April 10, 2013 Paul Wolneykien 0.1.2-alt1
    - Fix version comparison: compare with 0 instead of -1.
    April 10, 2013 Paul Wolneykien 0.1.1-alt1
    - Fix package requisites: update-source-functions alone should be
      sufficient as the value of "cronbuild_requires" option.
    - Update the SourceForge default file pattern: make '.bz2' possible.
    - Annotate the output format of the GitHub search function.
    - Fix quotation in the rsstail's sed scriptlet.
    - Add a public network directory search function.