Package xarchon: Information

    Source package: xarchon
    Version: 0.50-alt2_14
    Build time:  Feb 11, 2013, 06:51 PM
    Category: Games/Other
    Report package bug
    License: GPL+
    Summary: Arcade board game
    XArchon is a chess with a twist board game.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    xarchon (x86_64, i586)
    xarchon-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

      1. libICE-devel
      2. ImageMagick
      3. gcc-c++
      4. gtk+-devel
      5. desktop-file-utils
      6. libSM-devel
      7. libesd-devel
      8. libXpm-devel
      9. esound-devel

    Last changed

    Feb. 11, 2013 Igor Vlasenko 0.50-alt2_14
    - update to new release by fcimport
    Oct. 23, 2012 Igor Vlasenko 0.50-alt2_13
    - new fc release and picked up real@'s patch
    June 20, 2012 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 0.50-alt2_12.1
    - Fixed build