Package xmlconfigreader: Information

    Source package: xmlconfigreader
    Version: 1.0.003-alt1_1jpp6
    Build time:  Sep 4, 2010, 02:23 AM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: LGPL
    Summary: ResourceBundle extension
    XMLConfigReader is an Open Source Java class extension of
    Java ResourceBundle class to read configuration data
    directly from an XML file.
    XMLConfigReader reads structured resource text data from an
    XML file and store it on a hashtable.
    The hashtable keys are taken from the value of the first
    attribute of the <item> elements.
    The hash table values are hashtables containing the sub-items
    names as keys and the sub-items data as value.
    You instantiate the XMLConfigReader class in a program to
    read data from a XML file. Once the class is instantiated,
    it reads all the data in a XML file and loads into a DOM
    (Document Object Model) tree. Then it populates a hashtable
    so the getString, getInt and getDouble methods can be called
    to find text information based on a key and subkey.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    xmlconfigreader (noarch)
    xmlconfigreader-javadoc (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. /proc
      2. ant >= 1.6.5
      3. ant-junit
      4. jpackage-compat
      5. jpackage-utils >= 0:5.0.0
      6. junit

    Last changed

    Sept. 3, 2010 Igor Vlasenko 1.0.003-alt1_1jpp6
    - new version