Package php7-xdebug: Specfile

%define php7_extension	xdebug

Name: php7-%php7_extension
Version: %php7_version
Release: %php7_release.1

Summary: xdebug extensions
Group: System/Servers
License: PHP Licence

# Source-url:
Source: php7-%php7_extension.tar
Source1: php-%php7_extension.ini

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-php7
BuildRequires: php7-devel = %php7_version

Xdebug is an extension for PHP to assist with debugging and development.
It contains a single step debugger to use with IDEs;
it upgrades PHP's var_dump() function;
it adds stack traces for Notices, Warnings, Errors and Exceptions;
it features functionality for recording every function call and
variable assignment to disk; it contains a profiler;
and it provides code coverage functionality for use with PHPUnit.

%setup -n php7-%php7_extension

BUILD_HAVE=`echo %php7_extension | tr '[:lower:]-' '[:upper:]_'`
%add_optflags -fPIC -L%_libdir
export LDFLAGS=-lphp-%_php7_version
%configure \

install -D -m 644 modules/ %buildroot%php7_extdir/
install -D -m 644 %SOURCE1 %buildroot%php7_extconf/%php7_extension/config
install -D -m 644 %SOURCE2 %buildroot%php7_extconf/%php7_extension/params




* %(date "+%%a %%b %%d %%Y") %{?package_signer:%package_signer}%{!?package_signer:%packager} %version-%release
- Rebuild with php7-%php7_version-%php7_release

* Fri Dec 21 2018 Anton Farygin <> 7.2.13-alt1.1
- updated to 2.6.1
- removed fullpath to module in config

* Tue Jan 30 2018 Vitaly Lipatov <> 7.1.12-alt0
- initial build xdebug 2.6.0 for ALT Sisyphus