Package MUMPS: Specfile

Name:		MUMPS
Version:	1.64
Release:	alt1
Summary:	Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System
Group:		Development/Other
License:	BSD

Source:		mumps-%version-src.tar.gz

MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System)
or alternatively M, is a general-purpose computer programming language
that provides ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable)
transaction processing. Its most unique and differentiating feature is
its "built-in" database, enabling high-level access to disk storage
using simple symbolic program variables and subscripted arrays, similar
to the variables used by most languages to access main memory.

%setup -n mumps
cp %SOURCE1 .

install -D mumps %buildroot%_bindir/mumps
install -D utils %buildroot%_datadir/mumps/utils

%doc *.html README

* Fri Aug 07 2015 Fr. Br. George <> 1.64-alt1
- Initial build for ALT