Package devscripts: Information

    Source package: devscripts
    Version: 2.12.6-alt2.1
    Build time:  Jan 16, 2014, 02:15 PM in the task #112102
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2
    Summary: Scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer easier
    Devscripts provides several scripts which may be of use to Debian
    developers.  The following gives a summary of the available scripts --
    please read the manpages for full details about the use of these
    scripts.  They are contributed by multiple developers; for details of
    the authors, please see the code or manpages.
    Also, many of these scripts have dependencies on other packages, but
    rather than burden the package with a large number of dependencies,
    most of which will not be needed by most people, the individual
    dependencies are listed as "Recommends" in the control file.  This
    ensures that the packages will be installed by default but allows
    users to remove them if desired.  The dependencies and recommendations
    are listed in square brackets in the description below, as well as in
    the Description field in the control file.

    List of rpms provided by this srpm:
    checkbashisms (noarch)
    devscripts (x86_64, i586)
    devscripts-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)
    python-module-devscripts (noarch)

      1. perl-DBM
      2. perl-File-DesktopEntry
      3. perl-Pod-Checker
      4. perl-libwww
      5. rpm-build-python >= 0.8
      6. po4a
      7. docbook5-style-xsl
      8. dpkg
      9. python-devel = 2.7
      10. python-module-setuptools
      11. xsltproc

    Last changed

    Jan. 16, 2014 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 2.12.6-alt2.1
    - Fixed build
    Oct. 16, 2013 Gleb Fotengauer-Malinovskiy 2.12.6-alt2
    - Fix build with new pod2man.
    Dec. 13, 2012 George V. Kouryachy 2.12.6-alt1
    - Autobuild version bump to 2.12.6