Package FreeAdhocUDF: Information

    Source package: FreeAdhocUDF
    Build time:  Oct 23, 2017, 04:28 PM in the task #190758
    Report package bug
    License: LGPLv3
    Summary: Large UDF Library of over 360+ functions for FireBird
    The FreeadhocUDFs depends on
        * FreeUDFLib (in Delphi, 1998 from Gregory Deatz)
        * FreeUDFLibC (ported to C, 1999 from Gregory Deatz)
    and are compatible to
        * FreeUDFLib from AvERP (in Delphi, with some enhancements) - complete
        * GrUDF (in Delphi and Kylix 2004 from Torsten Grundke and Gerd Kroll) - complete
        * rFunc (in C++ from Polaris Software, last version 2003-11-27) - nearly complete
    The FreeadhocUDFs returns the same values in Windows, Windows64, Linux, LinuxAMD64 and MacOSXintel32.
    The FreeadhocUDFs returns the same values from InterBase 5.6 to InterBase2007 and FireBird 1.0 to FireBird 2.1.RC1

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    FreeAdhocUDF (x86_64, i586)
    FreeAdhocUDF-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)

    Maintainer: Aleksey Avdeev

    List of contributors:
    Aleksei Nikiforov
    Aleksey Avdeev

      1. rpm-build-licenses
      2. firebird-devel
      3. firebird-server

    Last changed

    Oct. 16, 2017 Aleksei Nikiforov
    - Rebuilt with Firebird-3.0.x.
    Aug. 3, 2009 Aleksey Avdeev
    - Fix always overflow destination buffer (Closes: #20941)
    April 6, 2009 Aleksey Avdeev
    - New version.