Package egl-wayland: Information

    Source package: egl-wayland
    Version: 1.1.5-alt1
    Build time:  Sep 25, 2020, 07:20 PM in the task #258524
    Category: System/Libraries
    Report package bug
    License: MIT
    Summary: Wayland EGL External Platform library
    Wayland EGL External Platform library

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    egl-wayland-devel (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)
    libnvidia-egl-wayland1 (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)
    libnvidia-egl-wayland1-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)

    Maintainer: Sergey V Turchin

    List of contributors:
    Sergey V Turchin

      1. eglexternalplatform-devel
      2. libEGL-devel
      3. autoconf-archive
      4. libwayland-client-devel
      5. libwayland-egl-devel
      6. libwayland-server-devel
      7. wayland-devel

    Last changed

    Sept. 22, 2020 Sergey V Turchin 1:1.1.5-alt1
    - new version
    Nov. 26, 2019 Sergey V Turchin 1:1.1.4-alt3
    - upstream tag 1.1.4 updated
    Nov. 5, 2019 Sergey V Turchin 1:1.1.4-alt2
    - fix to build with new Mesa