Package kde-icon-theme-marbles: Information

    Source package: kde-icon-theme-marbles
    Version: 0.1.4-alt1
    Build time:  Feb 4, 2003, 02:34 PM
    Report package bug
    License: Free for non-commercial use
    Summary: A set of Icons for KDE
    An icon theme is a set of icons that share a common look and feel. The
    user can then select the icon theme that they want to use, and all apps
    use icons from the theme. The initial user of icon themes is the icon
    field of the desktop file specification, but in the future it can have
    other uses (such as mimetype icons).

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    kde-icon-theme-marbles (noarch)

    Maintainer: Sergey V Turchin

    List of contributors:
    Sergey V Turchin

    Last changed

    Jan. 28, 2003 Sergey V Turchin 0.1.4-alt1
    - build from BlueSphere spec