Package reminiscence: Information

    Source package: reminiscence
    Version: 0.3.3-alt1
    Build time:  Aug 24, 2017, 02:37 PM in the task #187436
    Category: Games/Arcade
    Report package bug
    License: GPL3
    Summary: game Flashback engine (re-implementation)
    REminiscence is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game Flashback
    made by Delphine Software and released in 1992. More informations about the
    game can be found at [1], [2] and [3].
    You will need the original files of the PC (DOS or CD) or Amiga release.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    reminiscence (x86_64, i586)
    reminiscence-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)

    Maintainer: Ildar Mulyukov

    List of contributors:
    Ildar Mulyukov

      1. libmodplug-devel
      2. libtremor-devel
      3. libSDL2-devel
      4. libogg-devel
      5. zlib-devel
      6. gcc-c++

    Last changed

    Aug. 24, 2017 Ildar Mulyukov 0.3.3-alt1
    - new version
    Oct. 30, 2011 Ildar Mulyukov 0.2.1-alt1
    - add the launch script and reminiscence.desktop
    Oct. 28, 2011 Ildar Mulyukov 0.2.1-alt0
    - initial build for ALT Linux Sisyphus