Package scorched3d: Information

    Source package: scorched3d
    Version: 44-alt1
    Build time:  Sep 20, 2017, 08:27 PM in the task #188531
    Category: Games/Arcade
    Report package bug
    License: GPL
    Summary: A 3D version of the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
    Scorched 3D is a game based loosely on the classic DOS game Scorched
    Earth "The Mother Of All Games".

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    scorched3d (x86_64, i586)
    scorched3d-data (noarch)
    scorched3d-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)

    Maintainer: Aleksei Nikiforov

      1. gcc-c++
      2. automake_1.11
      3. libGL-devel
      4. libGLEW-devel
      5. libjpeg-devel
      6. libexpat-devel
      7. libpango-devel
      8. libfftw3-devel
      9. libalut-devel
      10. libvorbis-devel
      11. libpng-devel
      12. libwxGTK-devel
      13. liblua-devel
      14. hd2u
      15. libSDL-devel
      16. findutils
      17. libSDL_net-devel
      18. libopenal-devel
      19. libogg-devel

    Last changed

    Sept. 20, 2017 Aleksei Nikiforov 44-alt1
    - Updated to upstream version 44.
    Nov. 28, 2013 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 43.3d-alt2.2
    - Fixed build
    Oct. 8, 2012 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 43.3d-alt2.1
    - Rebuilt with libpng15