Package xraylib: Information

    Source package: xraylib
    Version: 3.1.0-alt2.git20141114
    Build time:  Apr 18, 2019, 06:55 PM in the task #225625
    Category: Sciences/Physics
    Report package bug
    License: BSD
    Summary: X-ray matter interaction cross sections for X-ray fluorescence applications
    This is xraylib, a library for X-ray matter interactions cross sections
    for X-ray fluorescence applications.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    libxraylib (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    libxraylib-debuginfo (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    libxraylib-devel (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    python-module-xraylib (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    python-module-xraylib-debuginfo (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    python3-module-xraylib (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    python3-module-xraylib-debuginfo (x86_64, i586, aarch64)

      1. libnumpy-devel
      2. libnumpy-py3-devel
      3. python-devel
      4. python-module-Cython
      5. python3-devel
      6. python3-module-Cython
      7. rpm-build-python3
      8. swig
      9. gcc-c++
      10. gcc-fortran

    Last changed

    May 10, 2018 Sergey Bolshakov 3.1.0-alt2.git20141114
    - fixed packaging on 64bit arches other than x86_64
    March 22, 2018 Aleksei Nikiforov 3.1.0-alt1.git20141114.1.1
    - (NMU) Rebuilt with python-3.6.4.
    March 17, 2016 Ivan Zakharyaschev 3.1.0-alt1.git20141114.1
    - (NMU) rebuild with python3-3.5 & rpm-build-python3-0.1.10
      (for ABI dependence and new python3(*) reqs)