Package DSR: Information

    Binary package: DSR
    Version: 233-alt3
    Architecture: noarch
    Build time:  Jul 10, 2021, 07:43 PM in the task #277857
    Source package: DSR
    Report package bug
    License: Beerware
    Summary: DSR - A program for modelling of disordered solvents with SHELXL
    This program consists of a text database with fragments of molecules and
    the DSR program. It acts as a preprocessor for SHELXL .res files. The user
    inserts a special command in the SHELXL .res file and the DSR program reads
    this information to put a molecule or fragment with the desired atoms on the
    position of the target atoms specified by the user. Bond restraints are applied
    from the database to the molecule.
    Development is on GitHub:

    Maintainer: Denis G. Samsonenko

    List of contributors:
    Denis G. Samsonenko

    Last changed

    July 9, 2021 Denis G. Samsonenko 233-alt3
    - final fix #39171
    July 7, 2021 Denis G. Samsonenko 233-alt2
    - build with python3 (fix #39171)
    April 30, 2021 Denis G. Samsonenko 233-alt1
    - new version